New to the site and was treated terribly


Originally Posted by spanko http:///t/388678/new-to-the-site-and-was-treated-terribly#post_3429323
Quote=florida joe
as you can see it was about eight inches
That's what you told her anyway!!
Quote=florida joe
thats what i have meowzer believing anyway
Quote=florida joe
Lois lets keep our personal life out of this. That is surly not the first time and I am sure not the last time you will use Joe and long in the same sentence
Stick around cowgirl. You will learn to love us.
Either that or report us to the authorities

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Well basically the way it works(i'm ten so this might not be correct). Everyone is a little sarcastic and everyone messes with everyone else, thats why i love it here you get the information and you get a laugh. When you join here most of the time you are excepted with fun and information. We are all like a family we help in the hard times and laugh and have fun in the good times so stay here as part of the community

mr. limpid

Active Member
Man, I miss all the good stuf being only online in the day time. I have to spend time with my second love. My wife wants me to build her a table cuting board for the kitchen.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko http:///t/388678/new-to-the-site-and-was-treated-terribly#post_3429323
Quote=florida joe
as you can see it was about eight inches
That's what you told her anyway!!
Quote=florida joe
thats what i have meowzer believing anyway
Quote=florida joe
Lois lets keep our personal life out of this. That is surly not the first time and I am sure not the last time you will use Joe and long in the same sentence
Stick around cowgirl. You will learn to love us.


Originally Posted by usmccowgirl http:///t/388678/new-to-the-site-and-was-treated-terribly#post_3429204
The initial question about the water was for a friend of mine. The anemone was not even an issue. I simply stated that i was getting excited because my H.Magnifica was going to be here tomorrow. Two different threads. I don't have issues with my tank. As a matter of fact I have kept anemone's in the past with great success. The only reason i don't have one right now is because we moved here last year and i had to find my anemone at the time a new home. Didn't want to take the chance of traveling across the country. Moved to Indiana from Arizona. Now that I have my current tank up for a little over a year i feel that my tank is ready for an H. Magnifica. All my readings are stable. My friend on the other hand not so much. LOL. She will probably tear her tank down and go fresh. Which i happen to think would be the best for her.
I take pride in my tank and deeply care about the inhabitants. I don't like it when i start to see one not doing well. Which is why i like forums so much because someone somewhere has been through it more likely. I am a former Marine and a mother of 3 wonderful children. Although today they tried my nerves. I realize that people have bad days and emails can get misread and you can't really tell the tone of written words half the time. I understand and appreciate what you said.
Haha I did the exact move just backwards. I took my 30 gallon from southern indiana to outside phoenix. I had two small anemone in my tank that did just fine on the move. Sadly I'm back here in southern indiana and starting up a whole new tank.