new to the world of saltwater


New Member
I am new to the saltwater world. I know it is not recommended, but I need some ideas of what I should get to set up a fish only tank. It is only 20 gallons. Want to keep very simple. My wife says if I can keep this one going, then I can get another aquarium. Any help would be great.


Before you buy anything, research and ask questions.. this is a great site, helped me a tons. Welcome!



Originally posted by RussianSpy
Add about 5-10 pound live rock
Make sure you get a filter
You need to add calcium to get red algea on you live rock
Find sumone with a set up aquarium and ask if you could buy a bit of live rock that has been set up in a tank

If we are going to give him this kind of advice perhaps we should also ask what type of lighting he as in order to grow the coralline algea, you did mean coralline right, not cynobateria?
Just a though


A couple of clownfish is always a favorite idea to go with, get em young and put them in together. One will become the female and you could wind up with a mated pair.
Rock is a great idea for filtration also aragonite sand. Your clowns would be very happy with at least a few peices of live rock. If you want to grow the coralline algea then you will normally need a little more lighting than what the store sells kit aquariums for, and not only calcium but alkalinity and magnesium will become important to maintain. You can have rocks but not be going for coralline and that would be fine as well. You can leave that for later when the aquarium bug bites you and you get a larger aquarium.
Other forms of filtration will be up to you. I might suggest a penquin filter and small 2 or 3 gallon water changes. You don't need a cansiter filter, save that money for down the road and a larger system.
Welcome to the board:D


New Member
I have already heard and seen all kinds of cool and interesting things. Thank you all for your advise, it is most helpful. I love this site and this forum. Keep the ideas coming my way. Thanks for having me.