New Trigger


Alright check it, I caught a trigger today that I have never seen. he is a dark blue almost black with like a yellow stripe on the bottom of his mouth to his belly, Now I am sure he is of the trigger species. Ok he is kindof shaky at the moment he has not moved out of the hole in the rocks since I put him in the tank, I hope he makes it, trust me I will get a pic up asap he is different. and about the Jelly Fish he was an easy catch, and the worst thing about it is this. I put the fish in a 5 gal buckett for the ride home and I live on the third floor so instead of taking a whole buckett of water upstairs I drained it out. The Jelly Fish was small and went with it. I did not notice till I was upstairs and put in the trigger. so I was thinking Ok no worries the sea is filled with them. A hour later i went down stairs and there he was living in a tiny tiny puddle of water, so I scooped him up and put him in the tank, the fish stated biting him, but they stopped maby they got stung I am not sure. but he is alive and I have to say one tuff jelly. Well if he stays alive long enough I will snap a photo of him. So when i get the pic up I will need your help. Thanks.


I've seen jellyfish kept in captivity. The places that had them do not seem "state of the art".
Can you share why you think a jellyfish is impossible to keep and should need a round tank?
This is not meant to be confrontational, but I am genuinely interested.


Hey, hes trying it all out Hes lucky enough to be living in a trpoical place where he has access to this stuff. Cant wait to see the trigger though. And the jelly, ive had no experience, but i bleieve they could be a little tough to take care of cuz of filtration and such. See how it works out.


the trigger sounds weird....i would love to see a pic of it so could u pleaseeee snap a quick pic when u get a chance..?:)


ok I seem to have got your attention, but why it took so long, it is kindof my night time when its your day time so I just woke up. the trigger is out and moving, I cant find the jelly. but I will get a pic.


Alright yall I figured I would put some of me in here to why I have the chance to show you all what I look like, Just incase I die in Iraq or somethen.


Alright there are some of the latest pics, the jelly fish is M.I.A Fish food most surely, I like the first trigger pic, my eel looks like he wants a peice of the trigger though. The coris wrasse stood still for a second so I took a shot of him, while he had a hunk of shrimp in his mouth. I let the stonefish,scorpion fish go, He ate all of my little fish and I had like 7, but oh well thats the way it goes, I no he would not eat anthing dead and I could not just keep catching little fish for him so I said goodbye buddy. Now onto the trigger, wtf is it maby I am confussed but I have never seen one before, its not small so I am not sure if it will change colors anytime soon to something I can picture. Well thats that. any info would be greatly appreciated.


that is just about the coolest trigger i have ever seen.....dude i want it :yes:
how did u catch it and where?