New updated 125 reef/fish pictures


Active Member
Hey Guys,
Great news my tank just recently had its 7 month birthday. In the past month my false perc's mated and had babies, my Coral Banded Shrimp are having babies as we speak! Which is SOOO cool. Added many new corals...etc Here are some recent pictures of my babies.
Please leave comments.



Active Member
great tank!!!! :jumping: your tangs look great, i love the regal. do you have and full tank shots? keep it up.


is the fish in the second pic a regal? that is a beautiful fish


Active Member
Second picture is a sail fin tang.
Striped - Sail fin
Blue/Black - Regal (Blue Hippo)
Gray/orange - Naso tang.


Active Member
Thanks for the comments.
Do you guys think i can add one last tang?...I'm thinking a Purple Tang.
Current Live stock List:
1. Naso Tang
1. Blue Regal
1. Kole Tang
1. Sail fin Tang.
2. Fire Fish
3. Jaw Fish
1. Pink spoted goby
1. Dragon Goby
6. Green Cromis
2. False Perc Clowns
1. Mandrin
1. Purple Fire fish
2. CBS
2. Cleaner shrimp


How did you do you tangs . Did you add at once together or did you do them one by one . Did you ever see aggression between them feeding problems , ick how long have you had them. I have a 150 gal with a yellow tang and I have tried to add others all the others have parrish is a coulple months which I think is weird they last that long and dont servive. Also the ones that died eat very well eccept one I am baffled would like to see how you did it.NIce tank by the way looks alot like mine with your coral choices.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jjlittle
How did you do you tangs . Did you add at once together or did you do them one by one . Did you ever see aggression between them feeding problems , ick how long have you had them. I have a 150 gal with a yellow tang and I have tried to add others all the others have parrish is a coulple months which I think is weird they last that long and dont servive. Also the ones that died eat very well eccept one I am baffled would like to see how you did it.NIce tank by the way looks alot like mine with your coral choices.

My tangs are healthy, ich isn't an issue if there is a small outbreak it tends to stay with that fish and goes away due to for the tank i run a UV filter which keeps problems like ich at a min. As for adding i added them all at different times...they dont show aggression.


Active Member
Very nice looking tank. Watch out for future aggression, between those Tangs in such a small tank.
Originally Posted by Jer4916
i run a UV filter which keeps problems like ich at a min
And actually...a UV does nothing to combat ich.


Active Member
I thought UV sterilizers with higher wattage killed free floating parasites. Does Ich not fit this bill? Just asking-