New Member
Hello all,
I have had freshwater tanks since I was in my teens and this will be my first saltwater setup. I have done allot of reading on this board (very helpful BTW) and based on my living arrangements (live in an apartment).I have just placed an order for my new Nano Cube along with a few other things (ETA Feb. 03). Below you’ll find a list of things I ordered. Now I know I’ll need live rock and a chiller but I would rather go to the LFS to get those 1 being I want to pick out my own live rock and 2 wait till the cube and stand get here to see what seize chiller I can fit. I am interested in doing an all fish setup with maybe 1 to 3 corals.
Here is the question I had:
Going by the list below did I forget anything other than the live rock and chiller?
Is there anyplace to get a rock wall besides doing a DIY like I’ve seen on this board?
Would it be better to get distilled water or just use tap water and treat it?
Is 25 pounds of live rock enough to get the process started?
Can dead/base rock turn live after being in the tank?
I’m sure I’ll have more questions as I go along but any help is deeply appreciated
List of things coming:
JBJ 28 Gallon HQI Nano Cube with FREE Cabinet Stand
Aquarium Systems Visi-Therm Stealth Heater-250 Watt
Instant Ocean Sea SALT - 30 Gallon Mix
2 Zoo Med Digital Aquarium Thermometer
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Test Kit
Red Sea Hydrometer W/Digital Thermometer
Kent Chlorinex 16 OZ.0
Carib Sea Arag-Alive Reef Sand-Special Grade-20 lb
I have had freshwater tanks since I was in my teens and this will be my first saltwater setup. I have done allot of reading on this board (very helpful BTW) and based on my living arrangements (live in an apartment).I have just placed an order for my new Nano Cube along with a few other things (ETA Feb. 03). Below you’ll find a list of things I ordered. Now I know I’ll need live rock and a chiller but I would rather go to the LFS to get those 1 being I want to pick out my own live rock and 2 wait till the cube and stand get here to see what seize chiller I can fit. I am interested in doing an all fish setup with maybe 1 to 3 corals.
Here is the question I had:
Going by the list below did I forget anything other than the live rock and chiller?
Is there anyplace to get a rock wall besides doing a DIY like I’ve seen on this board?
Would it be better to get distilled water or just use tap water and treat it?
Is 25 pounds of live rock enough to get the process started?
Can dead/base rock turn live after being in the tank?
I’m sure I’ll have more questions as I go along but any help is deeply appreciated
List of things coming:
JBJ 28 Gallon HQI Nano Cube with FREE Cabinet Stand
Aquarium Systems Visi-Therm Stealth Heater-250 Watt
Instant Ocean Sea SALT - 30 Gallon Mix
2 Zoo Med Digital Aquarium Thermometer
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Test Kit
Red Sea Hydrometer W/Digital Thermometer
Kent Chlorinex 16 OZ.0
Carib Sea Arag-Alive Reef Sand-Special Grade-20 lb