New York Newbie questions


New Member
Hello all,
I have had freshwater tanks since I was in my teens and this will be my first saltwater setup. I have done allot of reading on this board (very helpful BTW) and based on my living arrangements (live in an apartment).I have just placed an order for my new Nano Cube along with a few other things (ETA Feb. 03). Below you’ll find a list of things I ordered. Now I know I’ll need live rock and a chiller but I would rather go to the LFS to get those 1 being I want to pick out my own live rock and 2 wait till the cube and stand get here to see what seize chiller I can fit. I am interested in doing an all fish setup with maybe 1 to 3 corals.
Here is the question I had:
Going by the list below did I forget anything other than the live rock and chiller?
Is there anyplace to get a rock wall besides doing a DIY like I’ve seen on this board?
Would it be better to get distilled water or just use tap water and treat it?
Is 25 pounds of live rock enough to get the process started?
Can dead/base rock turn live after being in the tank?
I’m sure I’ll have more questions as I go along but any help is deeply appreciated
List of things coming:

JBJ 28 Gallon HQI Nano Cube with FREE Cabinet Stand
Aquarium Systems Visi-Therm Stealth Heater-250 Watt
Instant Ocean Sea SALT - 30 Gallon Mix
2 Zoo Med Digital Aquarium Thermometer
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Test Kit
Red Sea Hydrometer W/Digital Thermometer
Kent Chlorinex 16 OZ.0
Carib Sea Arag-Alive Reef Sand-Special Grade-20 lb


Active Member
Are you sure you need a chiller? Living in New York.. very possibly not
I haven't seen base rock walls for sale unless you stack your own rock and epoxy it togther or make it.
Do not use tap water and treat it.. prepare for algae outbreaks.. best if you can get RO water but distilled works as well.
25lbs live rock sounds like a great start on a 28g tank.
Yes base rock becomes live rock eventually (not sure when or how long)


New Member
Originally Posted by jackri
Are you sure you need a chiller? Living in New York.. very possibly not
I haven't seen base rock walls for sale unless you stack your own rock and epoxy it togther or make it.
Do not use tap water and treat it.. prepare for algae outbreaks.. best if you can get RO water but distilled works as well.
25lbs live rock sounds like a great start on a 28g tank.
Yes base rock becomes live rock eventually (not sure when or how long)
Hi Jackri,
Thanks for the reply. The apartment gets real hot during the winter and that combined with the heat the lamps might cause I thought maybe a small chiller might be needed.
Looks like I'll have to start stacking more rock if i want the rock wall LOL


Active Member
the heater sounds a bit much at 250w. as for live rocks, any dead rocks will turn live after a few months. but i'd suggest starting off with liverocks to increase ur chance of success early on. use ro water, if not, use di. tap water isnt all that great. most likely u will need a chiller during the summer, sicne u r leaving in an apt. start off real slow with live rocks and sand, and let it cycle for 2-3 weeks.


New Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
the heater sounds a bit much at 250w. as for live rocks, any dead rocks will turn live after a few months. but i'd suggest starting off with liverocks to increase ur chance of success early on. use ro water, if not, use di. tap water isnt all that great. most likely u will need a chiller during the summer, sicne u r leaving in an apt. start off real slow with live rocks and sand, and let it cycle for 2-3 weeks.
Hi Bob thanks for the reply.
I got the heater cheap (umm i think it was 17 or something) might not need it on all the time but had good ratings. Would you know where i could buy RO water in NYC ( i live in the bronx)?


New Member
So today I finally set it up and to my surprise it cleared up very quick (not crystal clear but clear where i can see the rock and sand} and I'd say it took 3 hours total from start to finish.
My first question is BUBBLES, they weren't there when I finished the setup now they are on the glass and some on the output spouts. Is this normal?
My 2nd question is does salt spike ? I went from having a perfect reading to a 3 point spike up. Should I add more fresh water or let go and see what happens?
So far no other tests I thought I would let it run today and test fully tomorrow.
I'll post some pics as soon as I find the *%@#* cable (why is it when you need something you can't find it then it pops up when you're not looking for it? LOL)


Active Member
Bubbles are normal just air escaping from the rock and sand. What are you using to test the salt level? If it is one of the swing arm hydrometers they are very inaccurate and the swing could be from it. Do yourself and your tank a favor and go spend $40-$50 on a temperature compensating refracometer. It will serve you well.


New Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Bubbles are normal just air escaping from the rock and sand. What are you using to test the salt level? If it is one of the swing arm hydrometers they are very inaccurate and the swing could be from it. Do yourself and your tank a favor and go spend $40-$50 on a temperature compensating refracometer. It will serve you well.
Hi Spanko,
Thanks for the reply. I am using a Red SEA refractometer (swing arm as you predicted) Checked again and it was right were it was in the beginning.
Couldn't find my cable for the cam so i took some pics with my cell. Sorry for the crappy qlty. but here they are...



New Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
very nice. i dont know where to get ro water in nyc, since i use a ro home unit.
Hi Bob,
thanks for the comment. I had Poland spring deliver 8 cases of distilled water to my house this morning LOL Mininum order is 8 boxes of 6-1 gal. bott. LOL 57 + tax. not bad and it came right to my door so no heavy lifting up those stairs for me


Originally Posted by JoeyGood
Hi Bob,
thanks for the comment. I had Poland spring deliver 8 cases of distilled water to my house this morning LOL Mininum order is 8 boxes of 6-1 gal. bott. LOL 57 + tax. not bad and it came right to my door so no heavy lifting up those stairs for me

Do you have a walmart near by?You can get 5gal. for about $15.00 one the first trip and then about $.37 -$.40 for a refill per gal.


dang if u got 48gal for 57 bucks brought to your door id stay with that. dam are you in the city if so that's great so many good stores all around.your tank looks good by the way nothing like the fun of starting out. as for a chiller run your ac and you should be fine i live here too. upstate a bit tho. schenectady county. but use to be in brooklyn and staten isle all the time welcome to the madness


New Member
Originally Posted by trouble93
Do you have a walmart near by?You can get 5gal. for about $15.00 one the first trip and then about $.37 -$.40 for a refill per gal.
Hi trouble93, the only wall mart near me was in the city and they didn't have it or so they said , the other option was traveling 2 hours to the next one. Thanks for the info though it's good to know.


careful with the walmart water if the machines are not cleaned and subject to routine maintence the water can be pretty bad exs in the city where the supply is pretty rough stuff. i work on and maintain RO's for medical use and they are pretty finicky machines a good ro gets you wonderful water a bad ro can be much worse than regular tap


New Member
Originally Posted by naclfish
dang if u got 48gal for 57 bucks brought to your door id stay with that. dam are you in the city if so that's great so many good stores all around.your tank looks good by the way nothing like the fun of starting out. as for a chiller run your ac and you should be fine i live here too. upstate a bit tho. schenectady county. but use to be in brooklyn and staten isle all the time welcome to the madness

Hi naclfish, Thanks for the comment on the tank. Yea we have plenty of good stores down here but when you're looking for that specific thing it tends to lead you from store to store and sometimes you can't find it all. Most stores now-a-days just carry the hot or most sold products. It's not like it used to be a few years ago where you could find anything and everything.


yeah i've been gone a while... food for thought ordering fish online good prices better guarantee's then youll get anywhere local but winter weather and temps if if order from and i would again as i have in the past. PICK IT UP AT THE FED EX HUB AT 9AM dont let your fish ride around all day no heat in the back of that truck. also wanna get your tank going get a lbs or 3 of live sand from a good lfs.. local fish store seed your tank use purple up or something like it i used alot of base rock and after a while you cant tell whats a1 rock and what was base.




New Member
[hey naclfish, thanks for the advice. i hope the tank gets fully cycled before it gets warmer to get some fish in. I also read some were on here a chunk of raw shrimp would also help it along is that true?


New Member
New Pics with cycle going good (I hope) I see brown all over
Test has shown the spikes i read about but what are the bubbles on the rock?
test 2 days ago
Amonia - 1.0
Nitrite - 0.25
Nitrate - 5.0
PH - 7.8
Today's Test
Amonia - 2.0
Nitrite - 0.50
Nitrate - 5.0
PH - 8.0
Salinity is within rage since setup
