NEWBIE 200 gal build diary


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(once I get this fuge/sump figured out, this will be a diary
I am about 7 months old in the hobby and already have upgrade syndrome!?!?

I bought a 200 gal tank today and I am not sure how to set it up. My tank now is running on a canister and it is not drilled. This one is. I plan to buy a 36'' sump/refugium for about 370 buck new. Is this two much? I don't know anything about sump/ or fuges but I know I would like one and need one for this new tank...
Help on setting this up would be greatly appreciated....
Here is a diagram of the tank and were it is drilled.


Active Member
There is no over flow or anything in this tank. What the diagram is, is exactly how the tank is. Just the four holes. What do I do with them?
The person I bought that tank from was running the tank on a canister and had little adjustable flow nozzles in some of the holes and I don't know what else. But there was no sump/fuge, on a canister. I don't want a canister....
Any of the experts and DIYers out there... your advice/ walk through for the beginning of this build.... would be AWESOME!


My guess is that it is a closed loop system. I have never been around any. On the sump for a 40g br. you are looking at $100 new. If you have a router and some handy skills you can buy a sheet of 1/4 of arcylic 2'X4' for $30-$40 Some aquarium silicon and time and its how you want it.


Active Member
Yeah I am just gonna buy it premade at an LFS. They have good stuff... I went and got a quote today for a 220 gal and all the equipment and it was over 6000 bucks. So I came home and saw this 200 gal on CL and I bought it... I just need to know how to set it up. They people are moving to costa Rica and they leave in like 2 days... so I couldn't let this slip away.
So... Anybody know anything about a closed loop system?


Active Member
okay... update. I am installing an internal overflow box today. I will post picture when it is done but it will be a trapezoid shape, with 4 hole (2 in 2 out) and the hole in the bottow of the tank (4) will be on a separate pump so they will be usable and serve as my primary flow so that I don't have to have any powerheads or extra anything in the tank.
FLOW: Now I have a ?. I have a little giant 4 that is 800 gph. it will be split into two output nozzles (see diagram of holes above, it's back two holes). front two holes are intakes... after this internal overflow is installed, there will be a sump pump installed. What size pump do I need in the sump for the additional flow? At this point, I for sure have 800 gph.... My guess is that isn't enough?


Active Member
pictures of the tank and all the crap it came with, PLUS 100 pounds of cured live rock (some of it dead) for under 800 bucks!
I can easily fit in the tank and I am 5'11''!!! haha

I am super stoked!!



Active Member
wow you are PRETTY!!
anyway thats a huge tank and awman your bigger then me!
i see your bf/husband is a great helper!


Active Member
it is. but i have my 95g in there.
although the reef section is fun me personally i love the nano section! great people!


I read those threads all the time too...I wanna start a nano once I get my 55 where I want it. (who knows where that is, but it'll get there)


Active Member
hey UgotKTFO- I have a month old 24 gal nano for sale... MH light with new bulb and chiller.... Everything to get started.... ??? huhh??? huhh??
JK but anyone want a nano or 45 GAL... I gotta sell... my house looks like a shelter for fish right now... this tank here, this tank there.... ugh!!!
OHHH--- update... my angel has not come but I got a green bubble tip for my maroon to host. I think he'll take. When I bought him, he was paired to a LTA but It was like the size of my 30 gal and the fish is the size of a dime. lol whatever...
We bought a garbage bin today and I put like 40lbs of LR in there and then the water that is cycled from my 30 gal (so I have less new water in my 200) but it wasn't water tight... and leaked on the carpet. I lost about 5 gallons of water... lame! word of advice... "Not all bin you buy at the home depot are water tight... Test them 1st!"
I have completely dismantled my 45 gal reef... (unintentionally) trying to catch my male false perc. little jerk swims and swims. I had to undo all of my LR and aqua scaping but he has to come out or my maroon will kill him...little bugger. I have been chasing him for an hour. really.... an hour. Wish me luck!!! Thanks for tagging alone UgotKTFO! Good to see some other people on this thread!


Active Member
omfg I just got him.... Now to redo the tank. It's not a biggie since my tank is gonna be torn down but WTF??? little brats... I feed you, house you, clean for you... Just get in the damn net already.


Originally Posted by rlablan
omfg I just got him.... Now to redo the tank. It's not a biggie since my tank is gonna be torn down but WTF??? little brats... I feed you, house you, clean for you... Just get in the damn net already.

lol at least you caught him!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rlablan
omfg I just got him.... Now to redo the tank. It's not a biggie since my tank is gonna be torn down but WTF??? little brats... I feed you, house you, clean for you... Just get in the damn net already.

woohoo! congrats! and what is it with that language?


Active Member
I am watching finding Nemo and dealing with my tanks. haha.
And my language... sorry... lol I was just frustrated but I finally got them in their new 5 gallon home with some live rock and a Koralia 1. is that gonna be okay for them for like a few days? Maybe a week (possibly a week and 1/2), with water changes???? and just regular PC lights??? What do we think of that?