Newbie D.I.Y. Questions


I just picked up a great deal on a 125 gal glass aquarium, stand, canopy, etc... for $400.
My question now is concerning the lighting & pumps -
I currently have four 6' VHO 110 wattage lamps consisting of 2 blue ascenitic (sp?) and 2 50/50 white. I have two Ice Cap electronic Ballast model #430. It states that each ballast is for a 2, 3 & 4 lamp application. Below is a diagram that is on the ballast:
# LampLamp LgthLamp ConfigLamp Watt
212' max2x6'; 5'; 4'; 3' or 2'324 watts max
312' max3x4'; 3' or 2' 255 watts max
48' max4x2' 220 watts max
Sorry, the above diagram won't copy correctly but hopefully you get the idea. My question is since I have two ballasts running four 6' lamps what can I increase my maximum wattage to in each lamp? 110 wattage is definately not enough for what I want to do and I definately plan on increasing but don't want to go to high. Also inside the canopy there is no reflector above the lamps. I plan on putting one in - good idea or not needed? Thanks in advance for the input.
2nd question - Any recommendations on a pump for my skimmer that currently doesn't have one (it's a Berlin Triple pass meant for 25 - 250 gallons - I think that's what it meant)
3rd question - a recommended water pump to replace what I currently have. Currently it's a Iwaki Magnent pump model 55rlt. Max capacity is 18.4 gallons / minute (only 1104 / hr) and max head is 26.1. I'm pretty sure I'll need more circulation than that for a reef.


Originally posted by Jhenson
My question now is concerning the lighting & pumps -
I currently have four 6' VHO 110 wattage lamps consisting of 2 blue ascenitic (sp?) and 2 50/50 white. ]
I thought that 6' VHO lamps were rated at 160 watts. Anyways you should have enough light to keep soft corals happy. However I would change the 50/50's for 10,000K lamps. Also in case you havnt done so is put the actinic's on one ballast and your daylight's on another. This way you can stager the lighting for morning to noon to night .

bang guy

1 - 6' bulbs are 160 watt. If you have IceCap ballasts you can just add a couple more bulbs.
2 - Don't know, sorry.
3 - You could just replace the RLT impeller with the RLXT version. If you don't have a lot of head then you don't need the pressure rated version.