Newbie Fish...well everything Question


New Member
No corals are entering this tank. Probably not ever, if this works out for us we intend to upgrade to a bigger tank in the future at which point we may do corals but not now at all. As for fish we were thinking five plus the cleaning guys was all, we just didn't know what to put in there with the two clowns.
The other guy is saying need live rock and have glass on the tank with the lights on it and stuff and thats got me confused because we have live rock, there is no glass, no exterior lighting I'm more confused then I was when I started and still have no idea what to put in this tank and now I find out most of the stuff bought isn't any good :(...


The stuff is ok...You just don't need the bio wheels...your Koralia 1's are good, you just need another...not yet though...1st you have to set up the tank and let it cycle...You have your sand, rock and sw in it now right????
Put a Koralia in each corner for water movement
Do you have test kits?


New Member
Yes, sand rock and sw in the tank now, lights are off and the movement pumps in each corner.
Yup have test kits as well.


Originally Posted by Nemosmama
Yes, sand rock and sw in the tank now, lights are off and the movement pumps in each corner.
Yup have test kits as well.
Well all you need to be doing right now is have done a lot of research so I am sure you know about the cycle....ammonia will rise first...then go down...nitrites...up...then down...nitrate...etc...
As far as fish go...I love the little clown gobies...I have 2 yellow in each of my tanks...I also like the firefish gobies, look up pseudochromis, since you are not planning on ever having can get a dwarf angel...the flame is nice, and the lemon peel (I think that's the name)
Now remember just cause I like a fish...doesn't mean you have to


New Member
I realize that and I thank you for taking the time to try to help out
I'll get a picture of this and post it for you tomorrow. Thanks again Meowzer


Originally Posted by Nemosmama
I realize that and I thank you for taking the time to try to help out
I'll get a picture of this and post it for you tomorrow. Thanks again Meowzer
No problem....I still have a lot to learn myself...BUT there are a LOT of very helpful people on this site...just ask whatever you need to know


Active Member
sorry must have read over the part that you have lr.
55 lbs in a 55 is minimum but will work.
imo i wouldnt even bother with the filter.
i would go get another 20 lbs of lr and add another #3 koralia.
alot of times when you move a tank with sand it is best to replace it.
when it stirs up it create alot of trates.
but in your case without fish it will probably help kick off the cycle.
i am with meowser ,no clue of what the ligt looks like now.


Well-Known Member
and welcome,
Your lights are just fine for the fish. The only question is if a fish can jump out of the tank. How closely fitted is your hood?
I had a 55g with the clowns, here is a list of my stock back then:
  • 2 clowns
  • 1 lawnmower blenny
  • 1 diamond goby
  • 1 very small Hippo tang (he eventualy got too big for that tank)
    Red Fromia starfish
    2 feather dusters
    firefish (these jump)
    Royal Gramma
Do get another #3 Koralia power head. I put the number 1s on one side, one high and one low...placed the #3 on the opposite side facing the rocks mid tank.
I don't think you need any more rock, but make sure the rocks are "locked" into each other, so you don't have a rockslide.
Hope this helps. Have fun.


New Member
Originally Posted by deejeff442
sorry must have read over the part that you have lr.
55 lbs in a 55 is minimum but will work.
imo i wouldnt even bother with the filter.
i would go get another 20 lbs of lr and add another #3 koralia.
alot of times when you move a tank with sand it is best to replace it.
when it stirs up it create alot of trates.
but in your case without fish it will probably help kick off the cycle.
i am with meowser ,no clue of what the ligt looks like now.
The live rock is new bought it from the LPS after I got the tank the live sand is also new bought from the same LPS in sealed 20lb bags so none of that was moved. The guy at the store told me to grab another movement pump which I will go back and get today. Thanks for your help


New Member
Originally Posted by Flower
and welcome,
Your lights are just fine for the fish. The only question is if a fish can jump out of the tank. How closely fitted is your hood?
I had a 55g with the clowns, here is a list of my stock back then:
  • 2 clowns
  • 1 lawnmower blenny
  • 1 diamond goby
  • 1 very small Hippo tang (he eventualy got too big for that tank)
    Red Fromia starfish
    2 feather dusters
    firefish (these jump)
    Royal Gramma
Do get another #3 Koralia power head. I put the number 1s on one side, one high and one low...placed the #3 on the opposite side facing the rocks mid tank.
I don't think you need any more rock, but make sure the rocks are "locked" into each other, so you don't have a rockslide.
Hope this helps. Have fun.
The hood is fitted down good but there are holes in the back of it for the skimmer tubes and such so the little jumpy guys might be a bad idea
I don't want to kill anyone! My LPS has advised against damsels as starter fish for my tank (in his words they are mean little ***** and it takes a stick of dynamite to get them out of your tank) and has told me to watch for brownish, green stuff after the tank has cycled for about two weeks then come see him and he'll get me the cleaning crew and we'll go from there. Seemed like ok advise but I wanted to check with others as well.
Thanks Flower for you assistance :)


Active Member
when you write lps do you lfs?
sounds like the lfs actually has a clue.
all new tanks go through a diatom bloom.
i figured if you bought the whole set up it had old sand.
i would put a piece of raw shrimp or krill in the tank and let it sit a few days to start the cycle.
the sand and rock might not cycle .
so if you just put a piece of shrimp you wont have to guess.


Active Member
This thread needs pics!!! As far as what to put in the tank here would be my pics... Added in order
2 True Percula clowns
1 Flame Hawk
1 red or purple firefish
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Midas Blenny
1 Flame Angel
This would be a decent bioload so you would have to keep up on your water changes...


Originally Posted by Oceansidefish
This thread needs pics!!! As far as what to put in the tank here would be my pics... Added in order
2 True Percula clowns
1 Flame Hawk
1 red or purple firefish
1 Yellow Watchman Goby
1 Midas Blenny
1 Flame Angel
This would be a decent bioload so you would have to keep up on your water changes...

Kinda similar to what I said


Active Member
deejeff442, LPS = Local Pet Store.
It does sound like the person at the pet store has your best in mind here. Just keep asking questions about what he says before you do what he says. Especially when it comes to adding fish.
Ms. Kitty (Meowzer) has given you good advie in now that you have rock sand and water in the tank it is time to do nothing but test and watch for life on the rocks. Hopefully you have done some reading on "cycling" your tank and have a test kit that has ammonia, nitrite, nitrate tests. And you should get a refractometer to check you Sg with. They are the best instrument for us hobbyists to ensure the Sg is correct.


Originally Posted by spanko
deejeff442, LPS = Local Pet Store.
It does sound like the person at the pet store has your best in mind here. Just keep asking questions about what he says before you do what he says. Especially when it comes to adding fish.
Ms. Kitty (Meowzer) has given you good advie in now that you have rock sand and water in the tank it is time to do nothing but test and watch for life on the rocks. Hopefully you have done some reading on "cycling" your tank and have a test kit that has ammonia, nitrite, nitrate tests. And you should get a refractometer to check you Sg with. They are the best instrument for us hobbyists to ensure the Sg is correct.


Hey Nemosmama welcome to the forums!! They are one of the best places to be looking for good advise right now, and these guys and gals know what hey are talking about! so Kudos to all? I cant really help with the exact set up and some of the technical questions as i am also new to this hobby, but i do have some fish suggestions for you, all of which should work in your tank (someone correct me if not)
2 pajama cardinals (they are not terribly big but will be fun for your little girl)
2 false perc. clowns
1 midas blenny (very bright and colorful)
1 flame angel
and I would still try the firefish gobies people have been suggesting there very cool little fish!
and you could also try a slightly larger goby such as the bumble bee goby
good luck with everything!! and keep moving forward with the tank I think you'll be happy you did in the end!