Newbie help please


New Member
Hi all! I am new to the saltwater hobby but have had FW tanks most of my life, anyway i have a 20 gal tank that's just lying around and was thinking to have a nano reef and or fish only tank with it. it is an old FW setup that i have had for a year or two anyway, i have a aqua clear filter 100gph a 100wat heater full spectrum light and a whisper air pump. Can i use this stuff or not also do i have to buy any additional equipment. also what about substrate and live rock not to sure what that is.
any info will be vastly appreciated thanks a lot.


Welcome to SWF :)
1st thing you need to know that SW and FW are like night and day....
In the new hobbyist section read the top few threads, they give excellent advice
If you want fish only, you will need no special lighting
you will need live sand, live rock, and will not need the air pump (I believe it is to attach bubblers too Right?)
If you want will need special lights....well depending on what type of corals you want anyway.....think about that first....
You will need a powerhead (google Koralia) to move water in the tank
Your current filter should be okay
OOOHHHHH there is so much those threads, and then come back with more questions :)


Active Member
Do some reading here.


New Member
there is a lot to take in. all i basically want is a simple saltwater tank with only a few specimens that are easy to care for. i am not interested in flashy coral although some would not be bad if its easy. what do i need to start it up thanks


Active Member
IMO saltwater fish keeping is a lot to take in. But if you go into it with less than the information needed it is more than likely you will end up with a tank you are not happy with. Be back here asking why you have the problems you do. And may end up getting out of the hobby. I would caution you to do a lot of research before starting and not just in asking questions here. Read all you can about the chemistry and husbandry involved in keeping these wonderful pets.
Just my opinion. Let's see what others say.


New Member
you are right i need to do more research and visit a saltwater only LFS luckily there is one close. i will rake there brains for info and ask them what i should do as a beginner. However i have kept FW tanks for a long time and understand the nitrogen cycle and water chemistry, as well as requirements for livestock. so i hope that knowledge will help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fishmaster5437
Hi all! I am new to the saltwater hobby but have had FW tanks most of my life, anyway i have a 20 gal tank that's just lying around and was thinking to have a nano reef and or fish only tank with it. it is an old FW setup that i have had for a year or two anyway, i have a aqua clear filter 100gph a 100wat heater full spectrum light and a whisper air pump. Can i use this stuff or not also do i have to buy any additional equipment. also what about substrate and live rock not to sure what that is.
any info will be vastly appreciated thanks a lot.

Has the tank ever had any medications in it, specifically any copper to treat the fresh water fish. Yes you can use the Aquaclear the heater but I don't know what a full spectrum light means. Can you elaborate on this?
As for the air pump probably not going to have a need for it. You need a basic reef chemistry test kit, not the freshwater one, a lot of people use the API kit. I would suggest dry aragonite for the substrate. Live rock is expensive and if you want to save a few dollars use 60% dry base rock and 40% good quality live rock. You will need salt to mix, RODI or distilled water, try to avoid tap as it can introduce chemistry conducive to growing nutrient algae. Thermometer, and 1 or 2 Koralia power heads. I would suggest 2 Koralia 1's for this tank.