newest additions


Active Member
I just got an anenome.

I also got a star polyp. It has florescent tips, but it's small and you can't really see it yet.



please start slowing down adding things, i know not to long ago you added some things. please sloooow down... i dont want to see your tank crash from going to fast. i know its hard looking at the same things in tank. but patience is the key in this hobby. if you got the patience then things work out well...


Active Member
I thought that was only for fish. I added the yellow polyp and a clown fish last week. But the clown fish had one or two spots of ick so I brought it back.
So I got the cleaner shrimp.(The LFS said they will eat ick off the fish). I don't have any fish now. This week I added a very small star polyp frag and the anemone. I thought with coral you could just add them whenever. I was going to get another coral next week. Should I wait?


the corals should be fine... i am more concerned about the anemone, they dont like new tanks, the like mature and stable tanks. i hope it works. yea you could go ahead and the corals. they dont add to much to a bioload at once...


Active Member
oh, o.k. thanks!! I saw the awesomest coral at the LFS! How long should I wait before I add a fish? (Cause I just got the anemone)


how bout this bring the anemone back and get credit and if you cant get credit give it to them for free becaue it was very stupid to get him. Get anither hardy species of coral and call it a day for about two weeks and then think about getting a fish.


Active Member
You know what's really stupid, is the TWO books I bought don't mention a thing about them needing an established tank, NOTHING I found on several web sites said they needed a mature tank, and the LFS knew my tank was new and still sold it to me. THATS what I call stupid!! I am new, and I can't believe the information that books, and websites, and LFS DON"T tell you. IT IS SOO FRUSTRATING!! So I guess I will bring it back.

bang guy

Originally Posted by zoie2
So I guess I will bring it back.

That's a great idea. Statistically, it is doomed in the tank of a new hobbiest.


Active Member
I know the LFS pretty good, so I'm going to ask her if she can just hold on to it for me till my tank matures. ( about 4 more months) I got attatched already. My tank will look bare without it there.


Active Member
Well the LFS wont tell you all they care about is MONEY. Also alot of websites are the same way. All everyone is looking to make is the green stuff. So buying stuff where ever is a bad thing with out research. Alot of times you have to learn as you go. Spend alot of money for the mistakes that are made. But you learn from them and can help others out with them. All in all i had my tank up for about 2 months and i put a BTA in there and he did well, Its been almost a year and it has split and has done great. SO its like a shot in the dark, so its your call take it back or keep it. Like everyone said they dont do well in a new tank. But alot of people do have good outcomes with them. So Good luck with what ever you want to do.
ALso to answer your post about Blue. I would look at getting blue shrooms, Or even some blue zoos. I have a place to get some blue zoo if you want to send me an email littlebuck70 at yahoo dot com


Active Member
The palm is out for now, it needs an established aquarium. I am going to return my anemone. I don't want it to die. That's what gets me so mad. I'm not one to go out and just buy something at random. I do the research, all the LFS stores laugh when they see my book. I search the web for things I want. When I find it, I print it up, cut it out and tape it in my book. I am making sure everything gets along with everything. They are compatble with my size tank, the water flow, the lighting, the food everyone will eat. I wanted an anenome, but I was nervous cause they can move and sting all the other corals. I'm not putting anything aggressive in my tank. Then I found the Florida Condi. and it was peacefull, and pretty and reef safe so taped in my book.(the picture that is) Nowhere did it say it needed an established tank. It just gets me mad, that no matter how much homework you do, sometimes it's still not enough.

bang guy

Originally Posted by zoie2
I do the research, all the LFS stores laugh when they see my book.
I will say that of all the Anemone you could have chosen you probably picked the one most likely to survive in your tank. Kudos for researching first!
I think you'll be happier with large LPS instead of Anemone though.


Active Member
I was debating the anenome vs. like the hammer coral or torch coral for a long time. I have 2 dual color Sunpaq compact flourescent lamps (50/50 bulbs with the correct spectrum for corals). I was told the torch coral wouldn't do good. So between the hammer coral and the Florida Condi. I went with the anenome.
I think it will do good when my tank is ready. It likes where I put it and hasn't moved. (Of course it's only been 2 days.) I'm bringing it back today. I hope she will just hold on to it for me. My LFS also suggested a tube anemone, but it wasn't as pretty. Anyway, thanks for all the advise !