News ??



It made national news for a day. If everything I heard was true, I hope the father and mother are locked up. Any parent who is more concerned with the welfare of their dogs than their child..... well...
The mail carrier was an amazing person to do what he did!



Originally posted by lovethesea
His DAD's pitbulls? Terrible!! Was he training them to be the mean bulls?

From what I heard, it sounded like they were more for protection. As it was a drug house that he was running. So yes, he probally trained them to be mean.
I've found no statements on the quantity of drugs other than possession, trafficking, distribution, etc. charges were being brought up.


Active Member
That just pi
ses me off. A friend of ours is a DEA agent and he said the dealers train those dogs to be viscious. They feed them hot sauce, kick them, have the dogs fight with the bigger meaner dogs....all just so they can get these dogs to be as mean as possible. So many dogs get bad raps for stories just like that. I need to look for that story. $10 those parents don't get locked up for anything but a drug charge. :mad:


The latest news reports are begging the questions, please say he was high on something, that's why he didn't hear the screams. Or that he was fighting w/ his girlfriend...something. Just to set the record straight, the child was visiting his father during spring break, his mother didn't live there. But the dad's girlfriend was there. I hope with all my heart that the child snuck out back on his own and dad was in the shower or something, anything less is inconceivable to me.


Active Member
that is a terrible story, i hear of these attacks all the time in fl and my home state OH also has alot of them. i recently found out that if a pit bull is picked up and takend to the animal shelter they will not adopt it out. they will automatically put it to sleep because of the people that will pay the money to get them out and then train them for the rings. its sad and sick what people do to these animals.



Originally posted by Tizzo
I hope with all my heart that the child snuck out back on his own and dad was in the shower or something, anything less is inconceivable to me.

I understand what you're saying. With all my heart it makes me weep to realize things like this occur. It actually makes me angry though that people have done worse than this, and are still considered super-celebrities in enterntainment.


Active Member
Tizzo, I don't think thats the case. Nice to think though. I think that child was placed in a terrible situation. Those dogs take any sudden move as a threat sometimes. The child just could have been jumping around and they took off after him. (still can't find story) Its another sad story of crimial adults with children and putting them in harms way.
Daniel you are so right. What some of these celebs AND
sports figures get away with is tragic. We have a football (Rams) player that killed someone while drunk driving. He was back making mucho $$$ and no one thinks or says ANYTHING about it. NOTHING!! I am sure he is a nice guy, but the Rams should have released him.


If you're interested I'll mail you a very well put together documentary on vhs that goes over why stuff like this is happening. Its pretty phenomenal and dead on accurate.
just remove the NOSPAM


its all in how you train the dogs... i know several people with pits who are really gentle... those people just abuse the dogs to the point where they are aggressive toward anything that moves... its terrible and sad.




they should put the father and girlfriend in the back yard and kick those balls square in the nuts and let them rip those parents apart.


I don't get out much due to the 3 kids (2 in diapers) but when I need to vent... You guys are awesome.


I'm sorry for not asking before. How is your son handling such a horrible death of a classmate?