Next Fish or Bio Overload?


Can anybody give me an idea of what the fish below will give me for a full bio-load once they reach full size? I would like to add 1 more fish, or 2 smaller ones, but probably will not because I think I may be maxed out. I have a 72 gallon with 90 lbs of live rock and it's been going for 3 1/2 months now. I will be adding corals eventually. Everything gets along fine and I am happy with the tank. I've been adding 1 fish a week or every two weeks, and it's been fun adding in new members to the tank, but it seems like I need to settle now on what I got. All water levels check out fine. Does the below sound like a good mix? Anything further that could be added, or no? Recommendations? Thanks.
2 Percula Clowns
1 Flame Angel
1 Yellow Tang
1 Royal Gramma
1 Green Mandarin
1 Fridmani
1 Lawnmower Blenny
I may take the Lawnmower Blenny out if it looks like I'm overloaded, or in order to get another better looking fish in the tank. He was great in helping to get the tank established, but the cleanup crew and tang can handle the algae that does buildup now, and my LFS will take him back, so he'd be the only one that I'd want to turn in.


That sounds like a full load. If you want to put corals in, you dont want to even be pushing the envelope since you want good water quality. Get a good skimmer if you do not already have one.


I have a pretty good skimmer. I've had it since the 3rd week I started the tank and it's been taking out a good amount of excess waste or whatever it gets rid of. Would you recommed taking out the Lawnmover Blenny at this point, since I might be cutting it close with the bio-load that I have? It's my least attractive fish and I have other stuff that'll eat what it does.


I would say yes if you do not need him. Occassionally they can become aggressive as well. Additionally the less fish the better water quality. But the exception are corals that like dirty water like zoos which flourish in water thats less than pristine. For much anything else more difficult though you need good water.


Watch your mandarin. . . If he looks like his tummy is empty, you might not yet have enough food (pods) living in you live rock to feed him! I was lucky at 6 mos. to introduce one to my tank and he seems fine so far. But the RULE is, an established tank only to feed them properly. (1 year) and lots of rock.
Good Luck they're so cool


Yeah, the Mandarin actually died. My LFS didn't tell me about it needing to be established and they knew it was only 3 1/2 months because they helped me set it up. It's been missing for about 3-4 days now, so I'm assuming it's gone. My first fatality :-( other than a clown fish in the first month, which didn't seem healthy when I got it. I want to get another Mandarin, but will hold off, and keep the spot open for him in a few months because I really like that kind of fish.


Is the Lawnmower Blenny going to be able to catch? I was thinking when it comes out and starts cleaning the glass, I should be able to catch him. He'll be going back to the LFS in a few days, to free up the bio-load. I will put him in my QT for now.

bang guy

You have a lot of fish already for such a young tank. I would suggest holding off for at least 6 months before deciding on your next fish.
Just my $0.02 worth :)