

Active Member
Anyone have the i880 cell from nextel? Also, anyone know of a website besides the site that you can download ringtones from that nextel phones accept?


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Anyone have the i880 cell from nextel? Also, anyone know of a website besides the site that you can download ringtones from that nextel phones accept?
Don't have that phone, but check out You create a ringtone from any music you have and send it to your phone. It was $7.99 or so when I joined. One time fee for lifetime unlimited uploads to up to 4 phone numbers. Also, try (inappropriate link) for help unlocking and hacking your phone.
Well, I just went to freeringers and it looks like they've changed since I last used them. Hmmmm, I wonder if my lifetime acct is still active?


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the i880 has bluetooth, why not just transfer a ringtone from your computer to your phone? You can pick up a cheap USB bluetooth port on e|bay for cheap. Then you can do background and a bunch more stuff.


Active Member
I don't know how to do the blue tooth thing? I really want a song I have on cd as a ringtone, but I don't know how to do it. And also, it has a music player, but I can't figure out how to do that either.


Active Member
Well, actually, you might not even need the bluetooth. Your phone might have come with a cord attach it to your computer? If so, you could just do that and transfer whatever songs you wanted on your phone. If not a Sprint store could have it, but it will be about $20 I think. That's about the same prices as a Bluetooth drive though.
If you have a laptop, I would just bring your computer and phone to a local Sprint store. I went out with a girl that worked at a Sprint store and I was there a couple times and they are really helpful.


Active Member
I do have the blue tooth thingy, and also a cord, I still don't know how to do it, I will have to go to the nextel store on one of my days off. I went to that site, and I got a song onmy phone, but I don't know how to get it to be a ringtone, its just in my media files. Now, after I got that song, when I try to get anymore, it just says nextel does not accept ringers, but I did get one?


Active Member
If you go into sound settings on the phone you should something like 'select ringtone.' Then you should be able to select a song from your media files.


Active Member
It only lets me select from the ringers that are under the menu ring tones, it won't let me select from media files.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
It only lets me select from the ringers that are under the menu ring tones, it won't let me select from media files.
As with Verizon, this is locked down. Google "bitpim" for your phone and download it. It will come from a hacker site as freeware. It allows you to utilize the ringtone file folder....i.e. drop and drag to it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
I got the site to load, but now what?
Search for threads concerning your phone. Here's a link to the search page.
Inappropriate link, sorry
I checked out the myxer site and it looks like the same stuff freeringers was doing only it's FREE!
You may be able to buy data suite for your phone here:
It will include a CD and a USB cable that connects to your perticular phone. I used the BITPIM software and just bought the $6 USB cable that fit my LG phone. I know what you are fighting. Verizon wants in on the ringtone$$$$ so they lock you out of all those fields.
I did the search for your data suite and found it on this page for $20


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
I don't know how to do the blue tooth thing? I really want a song I have on cd as a ringtone, but I don't know how to do it. And also, it has a music player, but I can't figure out how to do that either.
This entire thread is a bit comical. Call NASA I am sure they can point you in the right direction. I am technoligically deficient in the phone dept so I feel your pain...text messaging...what's that about??? It's a PHONE


Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
This entire thread is a bit comical. Call NASA I am sure they can point you in the right direction. I am technoligically deficient in the phone dept so I feel your pain...text messaging...what's that about??? It's a PHONE
You should see what can be done with a GPS!

Bella, I searched for your particular phone and came up with nil. I think data suite will do what you want. Use the Windows sound recorder if you have pc (not Mac) to customize your music into ringtones. Go to [start] then [programs] then [accessories] and select [windows sound recorder]. Choose a song to modify and voila. Once saved it can be uploaded through the website PerfectDark mentioned or via the USB using data suite.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BellaNavis
SoCal, I don't understand that bitpim site. .
That's OK. I searched the BitPim site and it does not support your phone. It would be a comparable program. I searched for quite a while before finding out how to transfer ringtones to my Verizon LG phones. Anyway, like I said above, I think data suite and sound recorder are where you need to focus.


Active Member
Ok, thanks for all your help, I will have to try that on my next day off, my work has me locked out of doing anything cool, lol.