NFL Suspensions......

tx reef

Active Member
I just read that Pacman Jones got suspended without pay for the entire upcoming season and Chris Henry got an 8 game suspension without pay.
Kudos to Goodell for having the guts to do what is needed and not being afraid to punish star players.....


Active Member
I totally agree. The nonsense needs to stop. Organizations and the NFL, in general, should hold their players' conduct at a higher standard. Pacman, Henry, and others are very unacceptable and are well worth the punishment received.
Pacman could start playing after 10 games if he behaves perfectly, attends one meeting with the team every week, stays away from the practice field, and does everything else required during the suspension. I don't think he will be able to do all of those things, but if he is able to, allowing him to play after 10 games is fair.


Yes.... I agree too... With out pay :cheer: ... That will make them think about working as a team!!!!!!! Not just b/c thay are a big star.... I would have done the same thing for my team...