NFL thoughts


I know I's offseason right? But I'm

- surely there's other true fans out there. I'm a fan of the greatest football franchise of all time by way - that's for the record.
This past decade with the salary cap have not exactly provided what I would have hoped. But let's look at what is HAS allowed. For one, it's allowed for repeated winning. Surely the Dallas and San Francisco dynasties, and perhaps even the Bills, which I consider I dyansty despite four consecutive Super Bowl losses to NFC East teams, prompted the NFL to recognize a need for a salary cap. But yet we can obviously see with New England that repeated winning is still possible in this age of the salary cap.
Likewise, it does not force teams to repeatedly lose. Despite the dissapointments of several teams around the league, the draft and the salary cap have conjoined to take struggling teams out of the pit of despair. Look at the Steelers and Chargers over the past season. A simple QB change can make the difference between being one of the worst in the league to serious contenders. However, some teams have taken the opposite road. Kansas City went from a great win streak and playoffs two seasons ago to a horrible defense and repeated losses this season.
Parody. Miami has a great win against New England Monday night for example. Wins are never guaranteed.
However...something has been taken this new era: TRUE DOMNIANCE. That's right. No one is able to exhibit true dynastical domination. Now now Patriots fans - I do believe that your team is one of if not the best roster ever in terms of balance, a lack of dependency upon specific players, and depth...there are very few true superstars, except perhaps Tom Brady, on the team, and thus that allows for greater team unity, roster depth, balance, and continuous winning. And don't get me wrong I do believe that in this context, the Patriots are the best team in the NFL. Nevertheless, look at the 3 point margins of victory in all three Super Bowls, several AFC championship games, and some lower level playoff games...this is not a genuine display of certain outright dominance. Sure, you get a few big victories here and there, which should be expected, but the NFL no longer holds a place for dynastical dominance.
Yes - New England has done a great job within the context of the limitations of this new era. But are there really some that believe that this 'dyansty' is the greatest of all time? I sincerely doubt it. You will not find small margins of victory in the Dallas dynasty, the San Fran dynasty, nor the Steelers dynasty. These teams destroyed most of their opponents, even in Super Bowls. Dallas got like what...50 something points against the Bills in their first matchup in the Super Bowl, which would have been 60 points if that one guy hadn't had the ball knocked out of his hand at the one inch yard line on his fumble return. Regardless, true dyansties such as these left no question whatsoever as to who was the better team. They did not require a Vinatieri figure, who I do believe is the greatest clutch kicker ever, to come save the day for them. I sincerely believe that the Eagles would have won the last one if they could have exercised better clock management on the last drive. But I'm not trying to make excuses for another team.
Surely some of you can see what I'm saying in regards to domination. New England has done great in their situation, but I would just like for everyone to look at everything in perspective. I personally believe that the peak of great football competition existed between San Fran and Dallas in the early nineties...seriously...Rice, Aikman, Young, Irvin, Smith, etc? How can you get any better than that. Those NFC championship games were practically the Super Bowl back in those days, which may be part of the reason why NFC teams went on to beat the AFC champs mercilessly in the Super Bowls. That's the only problem with sectorizing the NFL, but there's no other better way to do it. Dang...Deion Sanders covering the GOAT...that's just frightening to think's like Greek mythology or something...the war of the gods...haha...anyway...
Just thought I throw my thoughts out there. I am saying this out of objectivity, believe me. So what's coming this season?


My pics...
Super Bowl? Eagles vs. Ravens
The Ravens have an amazing defense, regardless of other teams' stats. They would be great even if they didn't have my man Primetime, who is a freakin pimp by the way. I think the Ravens will beat NE in the AFC championship game and go on to face the Eagles in the Super Bowl, the latter of which are in my opinion one of the best offenses in the NFL.
Don't get me wrong, Manning is great, maybe the greatest ever I don't know. But if their defense can't step it up, there is no future for the best offense in the NFL except more playoff disappointments. I would love nothing more, except for Dallas to start winning, than for the Colts to get into the Super Bowl. But the salary cap era makes their team very lopsided. Colts offense + Ravens defense.........too scary to think about.
Let's see...who's going to be the worst team in the NFL this upcoming year? How about...hmmm....Cleveland got Edwards so they can't be too bad about...either Redskins or Tennessee. I've got a bad feeling about them. By the way Tennesse fans...I am sincerely sorry about that Super Bowl play...that was a truly disheartening moment for me personally. Music City Mircale? Not so disheartening...hahaha...nice.
OH! Just wondering, did anyone else but me see that New Orleans game a couple of seasons ago with that SWEEEET play at the end....oh man that was the greatest play I ever there a clip of it on the internet or something anyone know? Oh wait...oh yeah....Carney MISSED THE EXTRA POINT. WOW. SIMPLY AMAZING. DANG.
As far as my own team? To keep it short: Switching to 3-4 defense, hence the draft pics, but we really need more help on offense, Bledsoe isn't going to work out in my opinion but must be better than Testaverde, we need more young players, and our receiving core is horrible.
THERE IT IS. I told you I was

. Who else is? Anyone read all of this?


Originally Posted by Schubert
I know I's offseason right? But I'm

- surely there's other true fans out there. I'm a fan of the greatest football franchise of all time by way - that's for the record.
You are talking about the Packers right? :D


5 Super Bowl Victories
8 Super Bowl Appearances
32 playoff victories
54 playoff appearances
27 seasons of playoff contention
9 consecutive playoff seasons
1st team to ever win 3 championships in 4 years
(All NFL all time records, just to name a few)
All time leading rusher
Greatest offensive trio ever
That's who I'm talking about.

darth tang

Active Member
Your worries about Bledsoe are unfounded. Two things, he worked well in New England (especially under Parcells) and got his team to a Super Bowl. Last year he was lossing games in Buffalo but it was due to a lack in the running game at that time. Enter Willis McGahee as the starting running back in Buffallo and suddennly Buffalo started winning. Anytime a team doesn't have a running game it places to much pressure on the quarterback, especially if your offensive line keeps alowing sacks (which Buffalo was doing).
Bledsoe will be a good addition. Not the future, but a great now quarterback. That is all Dallas needed for this position. Someone that understands the game and can sling the ball when needed.. He will have a GREAT running back to help with and two exceptional receivers with two young up and coming receivers. The offensive line is solid I believe. Probably the best it has been since 94 with the addition of Rivera. I don't fore see to many problems to stop Bledsoe from excelling again.
This has to be the best running back core I have seen in big D since probably 2000. A-train was a great pick up. Especially on a one year contract. If he doesn't work out then Dallas isn't obligated to keep him. However I watched A-train run in Chicago and I never understood why he didn't start more games for them. He will be excellent to have as a back up to J. Jones as I feel A-train could be starting on a lot of teams around the league. Factor in the draft pick Barber who I hear has a lot of potential Bickerstaff will be back and the running game looks solid.
Tight end looks very solid, especially after last year. I say Dallas has found their new Jay Novachec. The will have their blocking tight end and the also have one of the best recieving Tight ends in Witten. This position is solid.
Defense looks solid, however I am slightly worried about the loss of Coakley. Hopefully on of the new guys will be able to step in and fill that role. The switching of the defensive scheme should help on pass rushing, especially since a 3-4 makes blitzs harder to determine where they are coming from, since we all know how much Parcells likes to Blitz.
The loss of Woodson is a major concern for me...but with the addition of a few cornerbacks for pass coverage Roy Williams won't have to play as much pass coverage and can help be the run stopper/ hitter, he is this season. Who knows, a couple safteies were released this week and maybe Parcells will like one of them for the Strong Safety spot, but don't hold your breath.
This team appears to have great chemistry and should do 1000 times better than last season.
My other two teams I follow closely are Chicago andf Minnesota. Of everyone in the league I believe Minnesota and Dallas have done the best this offseason to improve their team. Even getting rid of Moss was a good move on Minnesota's part.
The Ravens in the super bowl? I think not....their defense has been on the decline......and if they can't figure out how to score points this year I foresee a huge overhaul in Baltimre
The Eagles I also foresee a decline in performance. Owens antics and mouth should help further this along. His ALL ME attitude is going to eventually kill that did in San Fransisco.

darth tang

Active Member
If Oakland can get a running game going I could see that. Kerry Collins can be a very good quarterback. Look at his stats for the last 5 games of last season. However Jerry Porter will have to stop being a jerk for Collins to have a decent arsenal. Moss is good, but even he will have problems with double coverage without a good second receiver to help him.


Great insight. Julius Jones is great yeah. Who knows what he could have accomplished with a full season - rookie rushing record? Probably not but it's a possibility if he kept having games like he did in Seattle.


With Oakland getting Lamont Jordon and the recievers of Moss, Porter, and Ronald Curry i think that is one of the best trio's around. Curry was starting to put it all together last year before he got hurt, i had him on my fantasy team. I dont know about there defense though could be there achillies heal.


As far as my beloved Rams.. im not sure. Stephen Jackson is suppose to be the starter now. The offense should be fine. The defense is a whole nother story, picking up Cokley was good but the secondary is scary and also they have no help opposite Leonard Little at the defensive end position.

darth tang

Active Member
Great insight. Julius Jones is great yeah. Who knows what he could have accomplished with a full season - rookie rushing record? Probably not but it's a possibility if he kept having games like he did in Seattle.
Bear in mind he had 3 straight 30 carry or more games. Parcells had no choice last season but to use Julius so much. This season I will be shocked if Jones has two games with more than twenty five carries.....I think this will be better for him though than having to shoulder the entire load. The upside is it shows how much confidence Parcells has in his running back.
Minnesota had a trio of wide receivers works good, but if your running game or your defense isn't up to par you won't make it in this league. Look at Indy last year. One of the worst defenses in the league but the best offense......they had to outscore opponents, but when they met a team that could slow the roll.......they lost because their defense had no clue how to stop the other team.
I see the rams exactly where they were last year, no worse, maybe slightly better with the addition of coakley. If anything he brings knowledge and respect to the Rams Linebacker position.


Active Member
Originally Posted by knots
You are talking about the Packers right? :D
You are correct..they are number one when it comes to total football championships..the tru gauge for greatness...for the record . 1. Green Bay Packers 12 2. Chicago Bears 9 3. New York Giants 6
Green Bay has won three championshios in a row.......TWICE. I'm a Saints fan...where just a playoff victory is rare..we have only ONE playoff victory
All of the above are older franchises then Dallas...but once Dallas can claim number one in total championships then they have earned the right to be called the greatest franchise...until then it is just "puffery".


Active Member
Originally Posted by Schubert
5 Super Bowl Victories
1st team to ever win 3 championships in 4 years
(All NFL all time records, just to name a few)
Check your history..Green Bay won three championships in a row twice as I previously posted.


SO.... I am a "classic" Denver girl..... Elway anyone?? But I am a little disappointed.... Why did they get Clarett??? So, I am giving up three home games this year, because I saw enough of that punk

kid when he played for a season here. I am just waiting on that first hit may very well end his career!! I know that here in Central Ohio Clarett is a typical topic. Is is that way anywhere else?

nemo lover

I Only Watch The Super Bowl. I Like The Preformances. I Bands And Cheerleaders Are Neat To. I Used Used To Like The Dolphins But Got Let Down To Many Times.


OK chaps...I would have thought that 'championship' would have been an understood term...
When I say championship, I'm referring to a Super Bowl victory, perhaps the most coveted acheivement in team sports history. The championships which you refer to are in fact NFL championships which date way back into the early parts of the 20th century. However, during this time period, there were literally only a handful of teams, including the Packers. In addition, there was no parody whatsoever. As the Packers gained a handful of players that were good at the time and developed a good game plan, the other teams which were for a time struggling to even establish a solid group of players, coaches, and financial resources, fell into disarray and failure.
This is not to degrade the accomplishments of the Packers. They are to be highly revered for their influence on the early world of football. Nevertheless, notice that when the modern day NFL was established, which led to the formation and stability of many other teams throughout the next four decades, the Packers were only able to maintain their place atop the football world for a few years. At this point, many teams evened out and then NFL began a new path. Teams like the Packers with players such as Bart Starr, although respectable and good for their time, would in all practicality be crushed by any team in the NFL or even NCAA if such time travel were possible. Teams are faster, smarter, stronger, better, and better coached. Once the new modern era of the NFL began, the previous form of Green Bay's team became lost in the advancing world of football.
After a decade of attempting to get a feel for the new gameplan and teams, dominance was finally recognizable. First in the Steelers, some in the Cowboys later, then San Francisco later, and then Dallas again in the nineties, with other teams such as Miami having smaller but admirable success later.
The point is, the championships of the Packer in pre-modern-NFL days were a result of a weakly organized, loosely understood, unstable sport that was beginning to shape a piece of America. The Packers were the first to jump upon this weakness whether by luck or determination and seized a number of victories against teams that did not even deserve to be in the NFL at the time...until the 1960's...and the first Super Bowl, the ultimate accomlishment in football history.


Active Member
You cannot make a statement...the "greatest franchise of all time" and exclude certain eras. In fact, as the NFL has progressed through the salary cap and free agency...Dallas has been mediocre at best.
Championships are won within the context of certain limitations, structure, etc . You cannot discount a championship won in a particlar all teams existed and fuctioned within the constraints/structure of the time.
In fact, as the NFL has progressed through the free agency/salary cap era...Dallas has proven over the past several years they are mediocre at best. ..and will be the same this year.
So if I were to frame the Dallas franchise in the current era of the NFL ..MEDIOCRE as the majority of the NFL would rate.