NFL thoughts


Schubert the way you rationalize is so typical of a Cowboy or 49er fan. I guess that's why I have learned to dislike those 2 teams so much. The whining fans trying to make every excuse for their team and always trying to come up with new ways in believing they are "America's Team". While both teams have been good over the years it's ok to admit your team is not the greatest in history but I know a Cowboy or 49er fan could never do that.
GO PACKERS :cheer: :cheer: :D


I unsterstand the relative nature of 'greatness' to its time or era as you say. I simply don't regard the championships of the Packers prior to a legitimate form of serious competition in the football world as highly comendable except in relation to their influence on the popularity and progression of the sport. If you truly consider admirable greatness as an extended period of completely uncontested winning over teams that were ridiculously inferior fledgling teams, then so be it - that is your opinion and I can't take that from you. I simply believe that such victory is negligibly noteworthy compared to the dominance of such teams as the Celtics for example, who exemplified true dominance in a highly competitive sport.
Since Super Bowl II, marking the end of Green Bay's extended period of uncontested winning over a sport that held no parody whatsoever, the Packers have Super Bowl?
That's one amazing example of true domination vs...
San Fran, Dallas, Pittsburgh, maybe even New England if they keep winning enough - We RUN this show. Game over.


Knots -
I'm not trying to make excuses for my team. Nor is San Fran or any other team. I know that Pitts certainly isn't right now. As for the former two, we KNOW we suck right now. No we're not content with that, but previous success has no realistic implication on the present. What rationalization don't you understand? VALID COMPETITIVE DOMINANCE = GREATNESS.


By the way I still love the Packers right now to a certain extent. Brett Favre is great. I watched the entire monday night game two seasons ago where he lost his father, and I must say I was amazed.


Schubert, here are some real stats
Super Bowl Standings
W L Pct.
49er's 5 0 1.000
Steelers 4 1 .800
Packers 3 1 .750
Giants 2 1 .667
Cowboys 5 3 .625
Patriots 3 2 .600
Raiders 3 2 .600
Redskins 3 2 .600
Dolphins 2 3 .400
Broncos 2 4 .333
If Super Bowl records counts for so much then your cowboys come in 5th in greatness.
Postseason Standings History (These are teams with over 25 playoff games)
W L Pct.
Packers 24 14 .632
Patriots 16 10 .615
49er's 25 17 .595
Redskins 22 15 .595
Cowboys 32 22 .593
Raiders 25 18 .581
Steelers 24 18 .571
Broncos 16 14 .533
Dolphins 20 19 .513
And if Postseason games count for something which it definately should your cowboys again come in 5th.
So in conclusion it sure looks like the Cowboys are a good team because they have been in more Super Bowl and Playoff games, But the sign of Greatness is CAN THEY WIN THE BIG GAMES and your Cowboys are only 5th in both. So I would say the Cowboys are the 5th greatest team in modern football.
These stats came from not from my head or heart.


Active Member
I neglected to answer the original q...Super Bowl prediction for the upcoming season.
From the AFC...Indianapolis.....Peyton Manning will be sent to a shrink. He will be convinced that New England is not the Florida Gators in disguise so he will finally beat them in the AFC championship game.
The NFC is tougher...Philly will probably return closer to the pack given the disruptive offseason negative influence of good ole TO. I see the NFC representative coming out of the NFC south....either Atlanta or Carolina Since I have to select one I predict Carolina will make it from the NFC. Indy willl win the Super Bowl.
Dallas will finsih with a 5-11 record and Parcells will retire and return to the comfy TV booth. Jerry Jones will lure Barry Switzer out of retirment and insist he install the wishbone offense. John Madden will be the Dallas defensive coordinator and he will insist the entire team travel by bus. Jerry Jones will hire Buddy Ryan (is he still alive?) as the offensive coordinator ( the OFFENSIVE COORDINATOR)...and and the new offense will be called the run, chuck and duck offense.
Buddy Ryan and Johm Madden will have a Sumo Wrestling match on the sideline...which will certainly be more exciting than any recent Cowboys game.
After another dismal season in 2006 Jerry Jones sells the team and becomes a TV Evangelist and spokeman for the Hair Club For Men.


"So in conclusion it sure looks like the Cowboys are a good team because they have been in more Super Bowl and Playoff games, But the sign of Greatness is CAN THEY WIN THE BIG GAMES and your Cowboys are only 5th in both."
HAHA! That's awesome! You're entire post was AMAZING Dexter! I'm sorry I really I'm not trying to be rude, but it's just that funny. Thanks for the stats by the way - is a good one.
Knots...haha...have you NOTICED that Dallas has won more playoff games than most teams have been to, including some of those you listed. The same applies for Super Bowls. Do you know how we got to some of those Super Bowls - even the one's we lost? By beating teams like the Packers and San Fran in the playoffs. You're going to throw win PERCENTAGES at me? We have WON more playoff games and BEEN TO more playoff games than ANYONE - EVER. Same applies for Super Bowls. I mean my goodness...we've been to 8...eight! That's more than an entire 5th of modern NFL history. We have been in the playoffs 27 different seasons, which is more than many teams have existed, including 9 straight years once (both are records). WE CRAAAAZY.
I wouldn't expect a Dallas comeback this year, but who knows. I can't wait for the new stadium slash shopping mall slash city to open in 2009. It is going to be NIIIICE. My high school will be getting a new stadium in 2009 too, but I'm graduating in 06...too bad. I'll go watch my brother play I guess. Good times...


That WOULD be funny indeed. Very imaginative ideas - and funny.
It's so awesome how there are numerous - nay - MANY online hate clubs for the Cowboys. I think is a website, not sure. But there are a lot. And I am PROUD of that. People go out of their way to make fun of us because of our status as an icon in sports and American culture. HAHAHA...but then again they excuse it as they are 'tired of Cowboys fans whining about their team and making excuses - get over it guys - Troy and Emmitt are gone, just face it. You suck! They should close the roof over there at Texas Stadium so God can stop watching his team lose."
Whatever you saw Browns fans!
Oh's just THAT funny. Sort of like people who publicly make fun of the Yankees when they lose...and yet...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Any 49er or Steelers fans out there who actually support good teams? Rice is a pimp...


Active Member
The all time best winn ing percentage in the NFL is...
1928 The Detroit Wolverines are granted an NFL franchise but play only the 1928 season (the Wolverines have the best lifetime winning percentage (.778) of any franchise in NFL history)


I am the first to agree that the Cowboys are a good team but in most sports percentages are everything, even if you don't want to admit it. And the Cowboys percentages are just good, not great. You are so quick to bring up playoff wins but you didn't say they also have more losses than the top teams. You are so typical of a Cowboy fan, only look at the good and overlook the bad. I'm not afraid to say that it looks like my Packers are not the greatest team. It looks like the 49er's are and that really hurts me to say that. Just remember percentages are what separate the good teams from the great teams and it's ok to be number 5 on the list.
And all teams beat other good teams to get to the top, not just the Cowboys.


AMEN Knots Cowboys fans all have the same weighted opinion. Not all but most are bandwagon fans to begin with.


Percentages are in fact NOT what separate good teams from the bad. If they were, than our number of playoff seasons would certainly reflect our winning percentages now wouldn't they? Teams such as the Cowboys, because of our up and down years in the playoffs, level out statistic wise...but it is IRREFUTABLY BLATANT that our stats are far superior to any other team...your rationale is mind-boggling. I would have thought that these simple facts would be blindingly apparent, but it seems that some prefer to find a loophole in the overall truth of the matter...I am truly amazed.


Active Member
Dallas has faded and will continue to do so...they are legends in their fans to look on the field today is a nightmare for a Cowboys it is easier to live in the past.
I heard a rumor that they are trying to coax the Snake Ken Stabler out of retirement to back up Beldsoe. It was shameful to watch Vinny Testverde drinking Geritol on the sidelines instead of Gartorade. Last year, he was the first quaterback that was timed running the 40 with a calendar.
The truth of the matter is that the current state of Dallas is laughable....and will continue to be so until Jerry Jones leaves football decisions to those that know the game.
He who rests on the accomplishments of yesterday shall fail today.


Your unoriginal jokes grow tiring as usual. We do not believe in any shape or form that our previous success will help us whatsoever in the present. We are simple proud of being the greatest ever - period. There is no subtle underlying meaning. We are the best ever, though we suck right now. Both are facts and both are what we believe. Any more brain busters?


Active Member
Your words are evident you live in football past....and cannot accept the present. It's okay...we understand you must do to look on the field today is shameful.
Yes the once proud Dallas franchise must now live with the fact the glory days have gone....and return to same is not on the radar screen.
Get ready for yet another mediocre season at best......the status quo for Dallas now.
Hold on to the the present and future is dim.
You need to study the game...and realize there are many franchises as successful or more than Dallas. A true student of the game understands this. You are nothing more than a used car once had a Cadillac to now have a beat up VW. It's okay....I realize you still think you have a Cadillac.
Keep reminding us of that it was once a great car you had to sell.....but now you have nothing to offer but the vehicle of the past.


Active Member
Schubert...since you beleive you are diehard I will ask you two questions regarding the glory days of Dallas.
Name the two events which directly contributed to the siuccess of Dallas in the 90's.
Name the defense Dallas ran under Tom Landry..I am looking for the football teminology..not a nickname.
Both of the above contibuted directly to the success of Dallas in the so-called Glory Days.
I'll give you all day to answer the questions.


Active Member
One final naming the defense please explain how this defense works in football terminology. These questions should be easy for a die hard Dallas fan and self-proclaimed football know it all.