Interesting. My LFS had an issue with the supplier. I tried to go through them since they have helped me out so much along the way, but ultimately it sounded like it was going to be iffy as to getting stuff through the supplier so I cancelled my order with them and so I went to the alternate store that had one in stock. I so happened to hit them on a day when they were doing a 30% off sale so I got the Red Head Salon Fairy Wrasse for $26 with tax. I added him to the tank yesterday and thus far he has been a great tank mate. The only ounce of aggression I have seen out of him is the occasional little nip at his reflection in the glass or going after food when it's feeding time (something that even the most peaceful of fish does). He is also not easily frightened and has even help solve some recent territorial aggression out of my Diamond Watchman Goby. My Diamond Watchman was getting somewhat aggressive towards my scissortail and the Wrasse even stepped in and took the brunt of the Goby's territorial aggression on several occasions last night (while keeping himself out of harms way), but the Goby seems to have gotten more comfortable with him and isn't snapping at him like he was last night and the scissortail has pretty much been left alone. The only real issue right now is my Purple Firefish is freaked out every time they are on the same side of the tank and will hide for a while. I think the Purple FF still has PTSD from the Flame Angel and thus far is too scared to even give the Wrasse a shot. I did see something interesting though, the wrasse went into the cave where the purple firefish has his burrow and he almost appeared to cozy up to the Firefish and gently rub up against him before slowly swimming out the other side. As if to say, "it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you." The purple firefish seemed not sure what to make of this, but ultimately went back in his burrow. I think the Purple will come around but it will take time.