niger setup


Active Member
Mine flashes its colors all day long . It goes from that dark greenish blue to almost a peach and back again. Its very active and is swims around all the time . Happy fish I guess.
AW2 I like your advice and hope you continue to give it . As I said before I know whos advice I trust and I know who I would trust with a bowl of sea monkeys .


Our Niger although has a triggertude,is very fond of his cleaner shrimp.He likes very much to be cleaned and especially (I know it's gross) his poop excreter
He too turns a very bright silver blue with mood changes and always when being cleaned.


Active Member
Now that would be a sight to see....

I want to try the Cleaner Shrimp route again, since I only have Morays now. I tried it once before, but they didnt fair too well in a tank with a Queen Trigger, Red Coris Wrasse and a 15" Volitan Lion...all three of which had never seen a Cleaner Shrimp before.


Originally Posted by AW2
Have you ever owned a Niger? It's quite foolish to say that one wont outgrow a 125. Even more foolish to tell a noob that.
Whats with you and fish outgrowing their tanks. Don't listen to aw2. A niger will not outgrow a 125 gallon tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Whats with you and fish outgrowing their tanks. Don't listen to aw2. A niger will not outgrow a 125 gallon tank.

We already passed this point, about 186 posts ago. Thanks for participating though.


Originally Posted by cichlidfor
Whats with you and fish outgrowing their tanks. Don't listen to aw2. A niger will not outgrow a 125 gallon tank.
You guys know puffer 24/7, right?
Not to chime in on this convo but what the hell I got a couple things to say...
First, AW2 definitely knows his stuff. So do a lot of people on this board. He gives his opinion and IMO often his advice is on the conservative side. If you don't agree, don't follow it. There are some things in this hobby that are somewhat of a judgment call. Why turn a thread into a ridiculous name calling argument just because you don't agree?
Second, I think a niger would be fine in a 125 for a long time and I've had several of them. If you are one of the fortunate few to have this fish long enough to grow to 14 or 15 inches, then it is not that difficult to find a home for it. Obviously some here disagree but that's cool with me.
Third, there are way too many people here who do not have much experience but give advice based on what they've read from others. And the trend seems to be to continue to get more conservative because, realistically, no one can say you're wrong if you're being too cautious. Such advice, though is not based on knowledge. A lot more people should listen more and speak less.
Just my $.02.


Good point jcrim! I think there's a few mouthy inexperienced fish keepers around this site thats why I don't usually hang around here too much.


Originally Posted by AW2
We already passed this point, about 186 posts ago. Thanks for participating though.

i don't care. your crazy


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aw2. i am very sorry that we cannot agree but on another note, can you be a little less condescending because I like it when people are subtle about it. And btw, aw2, I hope you really didn't count how many posts that you apparently covered the specific tank size for a niger triggerfish.