Niger trigger


Will a niger trigger be good with green chromis and damlse and posibly more but are they not aggresive to small fish and other big fish as well


Well-Known Member
Generally, a niger trigger would consider chromises and damsels as good fun in the same way that popcorn at the movies is fun), quickly eaten, then gone.


Well-Known Member
Lol agreed. There one of the less aggressive triggers but that doesn't mean there angels


Well-Known Member
you doen't realy know with triggerfish,but we have a picasso trigger with two demsels they are okay.


New Member
My Niger Trigger is a bully. I have gotten lucky with mine being in the same tank with damsels (assortment) and clown fish. But he eats any new damsel I put in there.


New Member
We have a velvet damsel that is the same size as the trigger and the buddies. We just added a yellow angel which is twice the size of the trigger and he's left him alone.


New Member
These are a couple of pictures of my niger. He's about 4" and is in a 56 with damsels, clowns, crabs and a shrimp. He prefers pellets and flakes. If I put in a raw shrimp, he'll nip at it, but my pepperment shrimp will actually take it from him. I doubt he'll mess with my crustaceans for at Leat 2 years if the crustations live that long.