Night time pics form my 470


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it makes me sad to think that somones sump/refugium is larger than my 3 tanks combined, even when i add my 30 gallon sump


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Originally Posted by WangoTango
your tank is amazing
i was wondering if you ever have any disputes between all of the yellow tangs?
I have always been told that if you keep tangs in odd numbers, they seem to get along. That seems to be working for me as they seem to be best of buddies until it comes to feeding time. They're on their own then.


looks like u have a few HUGE pests in there!
but amazing! what lights r u running?
do u have only one clarkii?? or a pair???


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
looks like u have a few HUGE pests in there!
What pests :notsure:
but amazing! what lights r u running?
Aqualight Pro HQI Fixtures 250 W
do u have only one clarkii?? or a pair???
There are 3 clarkii's in the tank

more ?'s


Active Member
I feel rather poor and unimportant after looking at your tank, wheres my Prozac :joy: :joy: :joy: ....LOL......It's stunning, lovin the curved corners on the tank, that took some specialized company with a history of making nice tanks, mind if I ask who?.....I've got a 180 in my garage, not set up and the more I look at it, the more I keep talking myself into going ahead and getting a larger tank. Again, awesome tank...Keep up the incredible work


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I feel rather poor and unimportant after looking at your tank, wheres my Prozac :joy: :joy: :joy: ....LOL......It's stunning, lovin the curved corners on the tank, that took some specialized company with a history of making nice tanks, mind if I ask who?.....I've got a 180 in my garage, not set up and the more I look at it, the more I keep talking myself into going ahead and getting a larger tank. Again, awesome tank...Keep up the incredible work

Thank you for the compliment. The tank & stand were built for me by The Aquarium Co. in Minnesota. The rounded corners were an option I didn't order. When they deliverd the tank, six blocks from my home, they crossed some railroad tracks and the tank shifted in their trailer and chipped one of the corners. I was devastated.
They came back two weeks later with my other stand and worked most the afternoon rounding the corners of my new tank. Was interesting to watch and I couldn't be more happy with the way that it turned out. I can see why they charge extra to have corners rounded. It's now inpossible to see where the chip had come out of the corner.
Can't believe you don't have yours setup. Bigger is nice, but it's a heck of a lot more work....


Goodwin, that tank is so kewl and big that you may have new species evolving in front of your eyes

Seriously, I'll be modeling mine after yours. The biggest difference is that I don't have to pump up to my tank, just through a wall...and also about 170g



Active Member
Here is a picture as they were working at rounding the corners. It was a little messy at the time, but everything turned out GREAT!


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I worked in optics for years, producing highend optics....don't you get any "aborations" or waves from the way they rounded the tank corners? What happens is the viewing angle changes from a perfect 90 to a slightly more 91 or so as they take material off so it shifts the image or bends it, or is it so slight as to be unnoticable...Ah, who freaking cares, I'm still jealous. We are deciding on a buidling a custom home and I simply don't want to set a tank up and then take it down so until we figure if we are staying or building i'm happy with my pathetic, small tank


Active Member

Originally Posted by NateP206
looks like u have a few HUGE pests in there!
but amazing! what lights r u running?
do u have only one clarkii?? or a pair???

There are 3 clarki's running around in the tank.
For lighting, I am using 2 48" Aqualight Pro 250 watt HQI fixtures.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NateP206
looks like u have a few HUGE pests in there!
but amazing! what lights r u running?
do u have only one clarkii?? or a pair???

I see two of them,.