Nightime pictures of creatures!


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Originally posted by Scotts
Oh yeah,
I worked with an english lady. I asked her once if there were any new words that she learned over here. She said the only word that she had learend over here was Mother F%&$#@r

Nice to see Amrican English contributing to the Language so!!!
Ahhh this thread is cracking me up!!! A gay day here as well ... even though it is raining!!! Eldest daughters birthday tomorrow - plus I've got a coral fraq swap setup for this sunday!!


Active Member
LOL yes i did mix you up actually, similar avatars!
Yes Prime Minister was great, in High School I did politics in what we call our 'A-Levels' and my teacher made us watch that as it was 1)very funny 2) very accurate!
Yes my dad loves those vet books too! I think Harry Potter is our favourite literary export at the moment!


Active Member

Originally posted by Melody
I have laughed through this whole thread!!! :D
Thomas, About wearing men's shirts they are so big and comfortable ~ that's my excuse anyway.

and they normally smell good...(thus it's a good sign if your girl is wearing your shirts...indicates you're not too smelly :) )



Originally posted by leigh
and they normally smell good...(thus it's a good sign if your girl is wearing your shirts...indicates you're not too smelly :) )

This is too funny!!
You have to admit there is something about seeing your woman in your shirt. You should be flattered, that we want to sleep in your shirt.
I noticed in the Victoria's Secret catalog today that you can buy a Boyfriend Sleepshirt. See Victoria's Secret is even in on it. LOL:rolleyes:


Shels - How did you know she sleeps in my shirts? Sometimes she even sprays it with my cologne "Jazz".
I do admit there is something about it though.
P.S. I love to take her to Vic Secs. ooh la la.
Tim - I thought that pecker was your chin? gotcha on the spotted er ah pudding.
Tim - I bet you never thought this thread would be highjacked like this did you?
Oh I've been a bad boy Abbot.


Active Member
Since this thread has gone so far off topic, how you guys talk funny, women wearing men's shirts.... I remember a show of Junkyard wars. The British hosts were talking about how the American team said Aluminum and Centrifugal.
Just so that you know, my wife and I went to a British pub in Los Angeles for out first date. So nothing personal :D :p :D


Active Member
LOL no I didnt think it would end up this way! Not that I mind some carefully staged international diplomacy across the pond!
well it depends what part of the country you are from to what you think pecker is, in the UK (and not many people know this - my best Michael Caine impression) there are 5 different languages still spoken - English, Welsh (from Wales), Cornish (from Cornwall), Scottish Gaelic (in Scotland) and Irish Gaelic (in Northern Ireland). This has led to hundreds of different accents and variations (just think of how people from the south in US sound different to those from NY) but over here the variation is even bigger! The Australian accent derives from convicts from a certain area of england, and even the american accent is directly derived from people from the South West of England (Cornwall) where 'r' and 'e' are particularly sounded! Hey we can start a whole new thread on linguistics, lol.
Junkyard wars....never heard of that, did you mean Robot Wars? Maybe we call it something different. Yes it is ALUMINIUM! You guys just blantently leave out a letter!! lol.
Hey British pubs absolutely rock, when I was in africa with my partner the best place was the british pub where you could get a pint of beer and a bag of pork scratchings :D
LOL i dread where this thread is going next!!
Tim :p


Active Member

Originally posted by timsedwards
Hey British pubs absolutely rock, when I was in africa with my partner the best place was the british pub where you could get a pint of beer and a bag of pork scratchings :D
LOL i dread where this thread is going next!!
Tim :p

What in the holy hobbs of hell are pork scratchings???
Oh - I taught British literature for several years before moving into the corp. sector. On top of four current languages you haveto figure there were multiple languages laid on top of the native languages of the British Isles .... Roman Latin, Norwegian Languages, Anglo-Saxon and other various Germanic styletribal languages, Norman-French, Spanish very early on .... plus a little language called Frissian .... I thinkthere are more - but all of these were added before 1100 AD ..... throw in some later Jewish migrations to the British Isles and BOOM - what a language!!!
Send ti "across the pond" and mix in some Native American and WOW!!!


Active Member
Pork scratchings???
What the heck is that???? I know that they say that what we throw away from a cow is what you eat. Kidney pie for example.
Junkyard wars is a show where two teams of people search a junk yard and make a vehicle out of it. It is popular over here and orginated in Britain. Where they Bogg (pronuced boj) things together.
Yes the were saying aluminium and centrUgal. We say aluminum and centrifigal.
Scott:D :) :D


Ok - I can't resist this one! My friend had me eating "pork scratchings" or "pork rinds" as he called them (I think they are the same thing). After about 5 of them he told me that it is fried pig this true?....I almost tossed when he said that. Needless to say, I have not eaten them since. And as far as boyfriends shirts......I agree that we wear them because they smell good and are comfortable, but they are also easy to get out of.......:D


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Originally posted by Scotts
You and I were posting at the same time and asking the same question.

Great minds think alike!!!


Active Member
LOL yes pork scratchings are the fat layer in between a pigs skin and muscles, so pork rinds really! Over here you roast them! Yum yum :D lol. Although the nation that gave birth to mcDonalds really cant talk about whats good for you! :p
I think i may have seen 1 episode of junkyard wars, didnt really appeal tho!


Active Member
Although the nation that gave birth to mcDonalds really cant talk about whats good for you!
Good one.:) :cool:


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OK Tim,
I woke up in the middle of the night last night. So because you had asked this question I thought that I would look at my tank. I took a FLASHLIGHT down there and looked in my tank. The only thing that I saw was little creatures moving on the bottom of my tank. My first thought was "Oh man, my tank has ants in it!!" :rolleyes: In my defense it was 3:21 in the morning. Still what a stupid thought. :confused: After looking some more, and maybe waking up some more, I realized that they are pods.
I was glad to see this because I had many pods before my tank crash and I thought they had all died.
Thanks Tim. In the words of a popular TV show over here called Hee Haw. If you didn't have bad luck, you'd have no luck at all. You have seem to have every problem that a person could have.


Active Member
LOL McRinds.....that would be something good but then it might actually have to contain some meat in it, i didnt think McDonalds were in the meat market!!
LOL ants.....but luckily for you i know that the mind never thinks straight in the middle of the night!
Was the luck thing in reference to my flatworm/apstasia/diatom suicidal tendencies?! Well the nuclear powered stuff i threw in to get rid of the flatworm got rid of apstasia also (dont ask me how they just aint there anymore), so the only thing left now is diatoms! The way i figure it is that it will make me appreciate the tank all the more when it is good!


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Oh Gosh, Melody, please don't go into a explanation of what chittlins are..... that is the grossest stuff ever!:eek: