Nightime pictures of creatures!


Active Member

Originally posted by Melody
My Evil Twin!! ;)

Is that you or someone famous??? seriously - don't know ... guess I should quit listening to talk radio!?!?!?
Hey Tim - just did a check and saw several bristle worms and some baby star fish. My wife told me if I took a picture I'd wake the girls - and if I woke the girls she'd kill me ... so in order to keep the peace (or keep me in one piece) I decided ot refrain - I might try this weekend when they stay up later (or I can better deal with a a couple of girls who think the flash is a lighting strike in their room:cool: )


Active Member
LOL Hi guys,
Yes that is the kind of bristle worm i saw, except they move VERY fast and that picture does not do its speed justice!
Good idea overanalyser, doesnt have to be too late just when the tank is dark, and its amazing what comes out!
Do you think Melody is a celeb? :D Is that the big secret about the avatar? ;) Can I have your autograph on a pack of nori please :D hehe.