Nike's 10g Nano.


Active Member
the lighter orange looks the same as yours. i cant wait for the deep orange to open up more. and the blue rics are actually more green


that tank is looking wicked,

im currently converting my fish only tank into a reef,
i have too many fish atm, trying to sell off my big ones atm,
got a nice orange shoulder surgeon about 7" long,
but my favs are my black and white clowns,
iv got two pairs of clowns so decided to buy 2 types of anemone's, to stop them fighting over one, but none of them have taken to them yet haha.
one of them is a sebae anemone(which is annoying to keep haha)
and the other is i think a green bubble tip. which looks like its going well.
your lighting is looking goood too,
i only have a T8, but its a strong T8, 18000. so thats ok,
i only have one coral and thats a hammer coral, going to wait sa 3 or 4 months to let the tank fully acclimitise before adding more.
heres some pics of my anemone's



Active Member
i bought a peppermint shrimp yesterday to rid of some aiptasia. i found the sucker to be picking on my ricordeas so i threw the ricordeas into a small plastic in-tank container. if i dont see anymore aiptasia this sucker is going back to the lfs


Active Member
Originally Posted by nikeSB
the lighter orange looks the same as yours. i cant wait for the deep orange to open up more. and the blue rics are actually more green

Oh now I see. I dont have the green one either, I have a purple one.
"i only have a T8, but its a strong T8, 18000. so thats ok,"
I'm pretty sure the 18000k means the bulbs wavelength, not the output of the light. The watt's are what matters. 18000k bulbs just give it a bluer colour rather than the 10000k bulbs which are yellow white.


Active Member
yeh if its a t8 bulb, its not putting out much PAR. in my tank i should have about 300 all around enough to grow sps :]


yeh i know, iv had trouble with my lighting considering i converted my tank from tropical to marine,
and my lid can only fit a T8, i want to get rid of my lid and get a T5 things, and yeh i know about that 18000k wavelength thing, but i originally went to the shop to get a new lighting system, and the guys in the shop told me that this T8 will do the job for sometime, but the T5's will be better, but this'll still give them enough light.
and its like, 24w i think, same as a T5. but yeh.
ps, your tank is lovely,
im currently converting my 23g into a reef, need to buy the live rock, not sure how much i'll need tho, im going to buy about 7kg tomorrow, will be about £100, hope its enough, i wanna make it look like yours with the live rock, then obv when i add corals it'll go nice:) lols


Active Member
got this today after i traded in my shrimp

gonna try my luck with sps. its much greener in person


Active Member
was able to get a tri pod and mess around with the settings to get the real colors

blurry but those are the real colors

can anyone identify the type of acropora this is



Active Member
ill be getting more frags tomorrow heres some sneak previews

rainbow acan :]

australian chalice :D

i wanna isolate this as i dont want it spreading fast. my old 55g was a daisy polyp farm and i hated it

this was a good deal

expect better pics a day after :D


Active Member
the last coral is called a warpaint acan echinata. i didnt know that until today when my fav lfs actually had a large one he was selling
also i had added green neon zoas and some ultra paradise zoas. crazy coloring on these


Active Member
NO FTS YET, fighting algae at the moment >:O but its starting to go away. im going to starting dosing magnesium soon but heres some new updates :]

and look at the growth on this!

so what do u guys think? ill be changing my bulbs very soon to 2 ati blue+, 1 ati aquablue special, and 1 22000k aquascience