Nissan 3g Pico Diary!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by nissan577
that one day was like how long ago???? last time i did a water change on my 95g was like yea any more questions

LOL, its a personal choice! God doesn't do water changes in the ocean, why should I do water changes in my aquarium!


Active Member
MAAAN U HAVE CAME SO FAR BRO., I mean i swear from the day you were asking me for advice and now i think i would need advice from you. LOL. YOur tanks are awesome. I want to start a pico saltwater tank ! Is it pretty easy ? What type of light and how many watts u have ? they have a 3 gal pico at my LFS for like 30 bucks i think with i think 15 watt light. Is that enough for corals ?


Active Member
yea imo it will be good for the pico for like zoas and softies.
i have a t5ho current 36w 18w-10k 18w-actinics
having the pico is pretty fun but the rock work can kill you

thanks man means alot to me

i think i still need advice from you


Active Member
well a little update.
the corals are still doing good but no growth on the zoas

still waiting on whats going on!!!!


Active Member
Nissan your tank is looking good. I think we will both battle the glass with this light being so strong for these little tanks but thats okay in my opinion to have light like this I can scrape daily.....

Zoas are funny, some grow rapidly and others take their sweet time. My lime green ones are really spreading fast while the red ones are growing fast but not as fast as the green ones.
I absolutley hate the look of live rock so I don't have as much as you do and each piece I try to get something growing on it to cover the rock as I hate the look of live rock.
Just be patient and they will surpise you oneday with rapid growth
Lookin good though.....


Do you suppliment anything? Could iodine help being such a small tank, you may not get good amounts of some trace elements they need.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
Nissan your tank is looking good. I think we will both battle the glass with this light being so strong for these little tanks but thats okay in my opinion to have light like this I can scrape daily.....

Zoas are funny, some grow rapidly and others take their sweet time. My lime green ones are really spreading fast while the red ones are growing fast but not as fast as the green ones.
I absolutley hate the look of live rock so I don't have as much as you do and each piece I try to get something growing on it to cover the rock as I hate the look of live rock.
Just be patient and they will surpise you oneday with rapid growth
Lookin good though.....

means a lot and i hope that one day they will!


New Member
I'm loving the Pico. I hadn't heard of it before seeing this thread. I love my BioCubes and I think I'm going to pick up one of these Picos since it's so cheap to set up. Yours looks great!