Nissan new 29 bio cube Diary


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i was so jealous. didnt do nothing with my tank! it suck so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my chaeto stayed the same size!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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PAGE 38!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey Nissan, what light are you running on this tank? Or I guess I mean what bulb are you running (I'm assuming the light is a MH, right)?


Active Member
Originally Posted by spyder78
Hey Nissan, what light are you running on this tank? Or I guess I mean what bulb are you running (I'm assuming the light is a MH, right)?
yea it is a MH light. the bulb is a 20k 175w Plusrite


Active Member
well subie i havent gone to get the duncan but its there. i cant wait. the lady hasnt been there thats y i havent gone. in other news! im getting some more corals.
my bird nest started to bleach! idk why! it shocked me! the other corals are perfect! but him white!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! theres a few spots thats there life but i dont wanna lose it!


Active Member
I wonder why your bird's nest is bleaching out. What is your calcium level at? Your tank is looking better and better with each pic by the way. It looks beautiful


Active Member
why thankyou subie!
really nice. well i check my parameters ph is at 8.2-8.3 couldnt really tell. lol. calcium was at 450ppm. alk i really have no ideal and mag neither. like before it was 2 stems that was growing. one bleached out so i cut it off before it went to the other side. but i guess it got there and now it is. i moved the frags to the bottom frag rack were theres lots of flow cause the Koralia is hitting. hope that help.


Active Member
I am by no means an sps expert, I don't own a single piece to be exact but I will share with you what I have read. It seems they like a lot of flow but not a powerhead directed right on them. The calcium sounds good, I would probably pick up an alkalinity and magnesium test next time you have some extra dough. Probably didn't do the frag any favors by cutting it when it was already damaged, but too late to worry about that now. Maybe post something in the sps section, I will let Mr. X know if you do and he could probably help you out.


Active Member
why thankyou subie. please let him know. i wish he could help. i dont wanna lose that piece. well the K1 isnt really hitting it. like it gets flow but not alot that it wont let the sps open their polyps. i will try my best to get the alk and mag tested out tomorrow at my lfs. ive had read that if you cut the piece thats bleaching it wont bleach the rest. but i think it didnt help at all. it kills me for it to be my first sps and for it start bleaching.


Originally Posted by nissan577
yea it is a MH light. the bulb is a 20k 175w Plusrite
Thanks man. I just got my SunPod in November, so I am still a little ways off from my first bulb change. But when I do, I think I may go with this bulb. I really like the color in your tank.


Active Member
well the bulb type wont work with your tank since this is a screwin one. yours is DE. i believe your tank is a 150w. get a 20k color. and for the bulb model idk. i think the ushio is good. lol


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wow guys im so amazed! i got some zoas there from my friends tank and they open in my tank!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna know what made it open and hopefully i can get my other zoas back! im so happy for these