nitrate and rock help.please!!!!


one more question and thats all. When I get the dual strip lights should I get the glass cover with the lid or leave it open and go to home depot and get a eggcrate cover from a drop ceiling light and cut it out to fit the tank? Maybe thats why I had high nitrates because I have the glass cover with the small spacing in the back for the filters etc and I need open space for ventilation..........hmmmm :notsure:
hey killer checked my nitrates yesterday and it dropped from 80 to 20 ppm :cheer:


Nice drop in nitrates man. I keep an open top and I have a jumper in the tank. He's a Fridmani Psudochromis. No worries though. He's never jumped! lol The light I have is suspended a few inches above my tank by mounts which clamp on the side of the tank. It has a plastic shield over it. As long as you have that I would suggest going without a top on the tank. The reason being because it will keep the tank cooler, nothing to do with the chemistry of the H2O.


Originally Posted by killergoby
Nice drop in nitrates man. I keep an open top and I have a jumper in the tank. He's a Fridmani Psudochromis. No worries though. He's never jumped! lol The light I have is suspended a few inches above my tank by mounts which clamp on the side of the tank. It has a plastic shield over it. As long as you have that I would suggest going without a top on the tank. The reason being because it will keep the tank cooler, nothing to do with the chemistry of the H2O.
Gotcha on that one.please keep advised for more questions.


Hey killer im back with another question.Im noticing that inside the HOB refuge brown film of algae is starting to grow.I keep the palm light on 24/7, what should I do Just scrub it or take one of the snails in my tanks and put one in there and let him have it?


I'm having a problem w/ algae in my tank and fuge right now too. First check your nitrate and phosphate levels. They both should be at 0. Try to use RO/DI water. Cut down on feedings. You can try a turbo snail in there. That might work. Also, are you running a skimmer, and does it produce skimmate?


well im not having a problem with algae in my tank its just in the fuge.My nitrates are at .5ppm and phosphate levels are great.My skimmer is doing beautiful.I see little things in there stuck on the surface of the skimmer looks like little clear tubes with little arms sticking out.I hear they are a form of copepods or amphipods.


Originally Posted by killergoby
They might be. Do they move around? Try to get that nitrate down to 0 if you can.
Dont see them moving around,they are in the same place always and dont worry im trying to get that nitrate down to zero.I just put in my first fish today since august.
1 algae blenny
2 emerald crab
3 turbos,and 1 nass snail,and 2 hermits
plan on getting a sebae clownfish and a pygmy angel(juvenile) or a coral beauty.