My Quetion is how do I lower my Nitrates?
Alright so here iswhat I have. I have a 46 gal bow with about 40lbs of LS and 25lbs of lr
I have 304 Fluval and standard lighting I use R/O water
Do standard water changes abut 15gal a week
Have timed fish when feed them 1 1/2 min feed them pellets everyother day ends up being a small pinch full.
1 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2 false perc clowns
1 purple fish goby
1 blue sided wrasse
1 coral beauty
Ammonia -between 0 and .25
Nitrite- Trace
Alright so here iswhat I have. I have a 46 gal bow with about 40lbs of LS and 25lbs of lr
I have 304 Fluval and standard lighting I use R/O water
Do standard water changes abut 15gal a week
Have timed fish when feed them 1 1/2 min feed them pellets everyother day ends up being a small pinch full.
1 peppermint shrimp
1 cleaner shrimp
2 emerald crabs
2 false perc clowns
1 purple fish goby
1 blue sided wrasse
1 coral beauty
Ammonia -between 0 and .25
Nitrite- Trace