Nitrate Problems


New Member
How do I go about lowering my nitrate in my reeftank? All of the chemicals that i add to feed the corals seem to contribute to the nitrate problem. i do regular water changes and I have Phos X pads in the tank, but the nitrates still remain high. Any suggestions?


New Member
Several things are possible here. First, what type of protein skimmer are you running? Seccond, how often are you feeding the fish. Third, how often do you vacuum out the gravel?


If you have Crushed Coral, then your nitrates will most likely be higher than if you had a sand bed. The CC collects debris and waste in the holes and cracks and that is where it turns to nitrate. Along with a good skimmer, you could add a fuge with some macroalgaes. Good luck.

sinner's girl

feed less, increase water changes (how often or how much), decrease bio load, increase lr, increase filtration (skimmer, ect)


IMO stay away from chemicals but you can try a nitrate sponge I know Kent makes one and also you can use Chemi-Pure (sp.?). Just be aware that it can take 3-4 weeks to notice a difference and it will only lower about 20ppm. Maybe a little more if you use both. Both of these are reef safe and I personally use both with no problems.


i have chempure and nitrate sponge and still the nitrates are high. i do water changes ever week and still nothing changes i just started to try this product called nitrex says it will have the nitrates down in hours so far no change


I have use Kent's nitrate sponge and it has helped however as I said it does take a couple weeks to start to work and will only lower about 20ppm if you are higher then that you need to figure out what is the cause of the problem. Sinister52 what kind of water are you using for your water changes and what are you nitates at? I would suggest testing a sample of the water you use to mix your salt too make sure that isnt a source of nitrates in it's own. Protien skimmers are another great way to go and should help your nitrates as well.


i use my tap water filter i got that filters everything out of the water i did test the water from that point and no nitrates at all. i was think on adding another skimmer to it the prizm deluex. is that one worth 99 dollars?


Active Member
In my opinion, all of those "nitrate fixers" are worthless. I have never seen results from Chemi-Pure, Kent's Nitrate sponge, anything.
The best way to remove nitrates is water changes and the use of a refugium.
That skimmer is a waste. You would be much better spending your money on a higher quality skimmer, like aN AquaC Remora, Coralife, or Excalibur.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sinister52
which skimmer is a waste the prism or the sea cylcone?
Both are notorious for being junky skimmers.


go to the supermarket and get yourself 4 little neck clams and put them in your tank. you will see a difference in one works and it easy :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by sinister52
is that worth the 150 bucks?
Yes, that is a much better skimmer. It is definitely worth the extra money.


cool thats what ill look into then. what 4 little clams what is that about? that skimmer is only 50 bucks more anyway. might as well get it i can still run my sea cylcone also yet right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfryer
go to the supermarket and get yourself 4 little neck clams and put them in your tank. you will see a difference in one works and it easy :happyfish :happyfish
Yep, there is no harm in running both skimmers.