Nitrate Problems


Active Member
Originally Posted by sinister52
well in that case it looks like a new skimmer for me time to make a trip to that pet place again lol
OH, no kidding? I am there pretty often as well. That place has the best prices. I stock up on dry goods every time I go.


everytime i am there i spend at least 300 bucks lol are these clams your talking about live clam that you would boil to eat? are they the same as cleaner clams


Active Member
I spend a good bit of money there as well. I have never bought a fish from there though. Have you? How is the quality of thier livestock? I have heard conflicting opinions.


thats where i got my morrish idol from they had 2 of them and only one was eatin so i took that one so far so good i live about and hour and 45 min from there so i was worried about the drive back with fish. i did get some pieces of coral from there but they died. the fish there mostly look ok no dead ones floatin about or no eye popin stuff
theres a place here near me that has really good prices on coral that even beats that pet places prices on them thats hard to believe lol
this place is call something fishy there prices on fish and equipment is close to that fish place with some things also


Active Member
Originally Posted by sinister52
everytime i am there i spend at least 300 bucks lol are these clams your talking about live clam that you would boil to eat? are they the same as cleaner clams

They are the same as cleaner clams. You get them on ice at the seafood counter, ask for cherry clams. Put them in a bowl of your tankwater and wait for them to "burp". Once you put them in your tank they will bury themselves in the sand and will NOT open up until they die. I'm not really sure what Lion's talking about there, but I use clams in all of my tanks and none of them have ever opened unless they died. They have helped alot with the nitrates in my seahorse tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia
They are the same as cleaner clams. You get them on ice at the seafood counter, ask for cherry clams. Put them in a bowl of your tankwater and wait for them to "burp". Once you put them in your tank they will bury themselves in the sand and will NOT open up until they die. I'm not really sure what Lion's talking about there, but I use clams in all of my tanks and none of them have ever opened unless they died. They have helped alot with the nitrates in my seahorse tank.
Well, I stand corrected. I guess we are talking about different things here. Sorry about that, and thanks Alyssia for clearing that up!


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Well, I stand corrected. I guess we are talking about different things here. Sorry about that, and thanks Alyssia for clearing that up!

Lion, what are your EXACT water levels? j/k :hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by alyssia

Lion, what are your EXACT water levels? j/k :hilarious
All of my water parameters are good. They are perfect.


On topic, what is considered HIGH levels of Nitrates? I just did 30% water change and mine are still at 15ppm, down from 25 before the change.
I've got lotsa green haired algae. My guess is I am feeding a tad too much. I only have 3 small fish in my 75.


Active Member
I'm not sure about FOWLR but in a reef I think any nitrates are considered bad, although I cannot seem to get mine below 20.