Few items that can impact your NO3 levels
System size:
1.Age of tank
4. Refugium -If yes, size and macro algae type
5. Total system volume
7. Substrate - Type, Depth
8. Live rock - Type and pounds
9. Top off water type (Tap, RO, RO/DI)
10 Change water - Water type, salt type, volume and frequency
System Levels
1. Ammonia
2. Nitrite
3. Nitrate level
9. Test Kits, Monitors,Controllers- Types, age and brand
1. List live stock
2. Food types
3. Feeding habits
1. What types
2. Quantity and frequency
3. Pumps - type quanity, include system turn over
4. Filters - Types and media
5. RO/DI filter(s) age.
6. Protein Skimmer -
Then there are question on keeping an anemone
System Levels
7. Salinity
8. pH
readings right before lights come on
readings right before lights go off
9. Test Kits, Monitors,Controllers- Types, age and brand
1. Lighting - Types, Age of bulbs.
2. Lighting schedule