

I just check my nitrite and it was florasint purple im thinking of doing a 50% watter chang woold this healp bring it back down? and i have two tanks one is 10 gallins and not sure . size is 24L-12W-16H wich one wood bee beter for qurinten?:mad:


How long have the tanks been setup? Are going through a cycle? Is any livestock dying? Have you read any books about the Nitrogen Cycle?


:happyfish Good Morning!
What do you use in your system for a biological filter? If you are not using live rock you need to have a bio-wheel type of filter, to give the Nitrosomonas and Ntrobacter a place to grow! If you have not read a book on Reef Aauariums I would suggest NATURAL REEF AQUARIUMS by John H. Tullock ISBN # 1890087009. If we are investing all this money in equipment and livestock we need to really understand what is going on inside our aquariums, and to keep our livestock healthy and happy!


Well-Known Member
When I start a new tank and add those critical first fish, the nitrItes to peg the kit after two days and do so for a couple more. I have found out that when I simply do not add food to the system for that first week, the nitrItes return to 0.0 anter 4-5 days. And I have never lost a fish doing that. the fish do not starve, they find food they want in the tank during that period.
Plant life will greatly speed up the initial cycle and make the system more tolerant of changes.

bang guy

Originally posted by beaslbob And I have never lost a fish doing that.
There's the above BB-BS statement and then there's the truth:
Originally posted by beaslbob
my another yellow tang (in the same tank) 2 months ago only lasted 2 weeks.

Originally posted by beaslbob
I did add a single clown during my initial cycle and did not have sucess.

Originally posted by beaslbob
A month later I removed them as they were dieing or dead already.

Originally posted by beaslbob
My cycle molies appeared to be almost indestructable. 5 adults in 55g plus 20-30 babies. They only died when ammonia pegged the charts after i removed dead anemonies.

Originally posted by beaslbob
The brittle lasted about a month.

Originally posted by beaslbob

Started last oct, crashed thanksgiving.

Originally posted by beaslbob

I had similiar problems with fish getting white sports and slowly deterioriating with heavy breathing then finally dieing.

Originally posted by beaslbob

fish died and decomposed for 4 days

Originally posted by beaslbob

Especially the finger which is now gone.

Originally posted by beaslbob

The wound never healed and the madrin only lasted a week longer.

Originally posted by beaslbob

Yes I did lose three flame anglefish. As I have stated fish were dieing. Those deterioriated and developed ich as the others that died did. Yes I have lost fish. Fish do die in my tanks. Fish will die in the future in my tanks.


Active Member
Gee Bang, what are you really trying to say - that we should feed our fish in the first week? - Is that what you're saying here, or do we have some other agenda?

bang guy

The water changes Moonshine was going to do are appropriate. Adding plants will not help and could crash the system. BB is just not very honest with his suggestions. I wish I could ban him from the new hobbiest forum.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Bang Guy There's the above BB-BS statement and then there's the truth:
and here we go again :rolleyes:
As bang already knows:
Originally posted by beaslbob
And I have never lost a fish doing that.

Still a true statement. I have never lost a single fish during the cycle by not feeding that fish for a week. All fish cycled that way have lived for months and years after that first week.
Originally posted by beaslbob
my another yellow tang (in the same tank) 2 months ago only lasted 2 weeks.

months after the original cycle and before adding plant life. the current yellow tang originally much more sickly has lived a year and tripled in size. The difference was that I added the plant life between the two fish.
Originally posted by beaslbob
I did add a single clown during my initial cycle and did not have sucess.

thanks for pointing this out. The clown was added after the initial cycle not during. Again thanks for pointing this out. And is was months before I added the plant life. Two clowns and anemone have now lived for ~4-5 months. Of course that was 9 months after i added the plant life
Originally posted by beaslbob
A month later I removed them as they were dieing or dead already.

Again before i added the plant life.
Originally posted by beaslbob
My cycle molies appeared to be almost indestructable. 5 adults in 55g plus 20-30 babies. They only died when ammonia pegged the charts after i removed dead anemonies.

Again the initial tank crash. before I added plant life to the display.
Originally posted by beaslbob
The brittle lasted about a month.

>Yep again before I added the plant life.
Originally posted by beaslbob
Started last oct, crashed thanksgiving.

Yep the initial crash again. again before anyone had told me about marine plant life
Originally posted by beaslbob
I had similiar problems with fish getting white sports and slowly deterioriating with heavy breathing then finally dieing.

Yep the longer term effects of not having plant life in the system. Again before I added plant life. All this stopped a few months after i added the plant life.
Originally posted by beaslbob
fish died and decomposed for 4 days

Yep. In my QT while I was out of town. The QT the next week became a macro algae culture tank. And Fish dieing became a thing of the past.
Originally posted by beaslbob
Especially the finger which is now gone.

After a disasterous move. that resulted in a 50% water change. So this is the affect of water changes. :D
Originally posted by beaslbob
The wound never healed and the madrin only lasted a week longer.

Yep. After a very deap wound from the BCS in a system that may have not had enough food for the little guy.
Originally posted by beaslbob
Yes I did lose three flame anglefish. As I have stated fish were dieing. Those deterioriated and developed ich as the others that died did. Yes I have lost fish. Fish do die in my tanks. Fish will die in the future in my tanks.

Yep and a couple of months after adding the plant life.
All of this effort to discredit a person who says add plant life to your system. And by a person who removes 5 pounds of plant life weekly from his system.



Originally posted by Bang Guy
The water changes Moonshine was going to do are appropriate. Adding plants will not help and could crash the system. BB is just not very honest with his suggestions. I wish I could ban him from the new hobbiest forum.

I second that motion!!!:joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by Bang Guy
I wish I could ban him from the new hobbiest forum.

thats what I thought you were trying to say..


Thank you, we will proceed with the water changes.
As for the comment on the spelling. I am sorry if it is not perfect, you see... my husband has a learning disability that effects his spelling. He is trying VERY HARD to make his posts readable and understandable. And I thin for the most part what he types can be made out, even when it's spelled wrong. He can't help it, and we don't have a spell checker on our dinosaur computer. But I do know that he is very excited to be on this board and having people to talk to that are interested in his new hobby, and he really looks up to you "pros" for advice. So please try to bear with him. :nervous:
Mrs. moonshine


moonshine, my comments were not in any way meant to be degrading in any way. More of just a tease than anything else. My apologies if i offended you in any way. It is my sense of nature to tease and being the 6th grade spelling champion (many moons ago) sometimes i get carried away. Please continue to post at your leisure and we will help in any way we can.:D