

Active Member
I'm curious what your effluent is testing out at. I see your not using the bubbles counter I sent with the reactor, how consistant is the bulb count.

nm reef

Active Member
The bubble counter I'm using is the one that came with the regulator I purchased...with solenoid.....the bubble rate has been dead on consistent so far.Best I can figure I'm running a bubble about every 2 secs.... I hooked it up to a 5lb tank I purchased locally.
The effluent alk is difficult to measure accurately...my salifert kit goes to 16.0 dKH and I've not been able to successfully check the effluent. The system is steadily going up on calcium and alkalinity...
calcium is steady around 440 and alk is leveling off at 10.9 dKH/3.89 meg/L
The effluent PH is steady at 6.8 and the system is ranging from 8.1-8.3
I do continue to drip kalk 24/7 to maintain top off....maybe soon I'll devise a auto top off via kalk reactor to get away from the drips I've been using.
Thats the good news....but you know how there is always bad news for good news...I noticed something amiss when I came home today and couldn't figure out what it was...something about the display seemed off....after looking at it off and on for over a hour I finally figured out that my flame angel is no where to be seen....simply gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
.my salifert kit goes to 16.0 dKH and I've not been able to successfully check the effluent.

That's it! you need to switch to Coca-Cola right now. That Pepsi is effecting your brain. I could understand if you were as old as Bang Guy.
Read your instructions and use the low resolution test:rolleyes:

nm reef

Active Member
Well color me stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been using the salifert so long the process is ingrained and I plum fergot about the low resolution....now I feel like a idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll check it tomorrow....time to sit in the cornor and drink more Pepsi!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Well color me stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think your color is just fine.
I hope your not drinking that pepsi in that Coke mug.


Active Member
OH NO, Bud will make you think you're SMARTER when in actuality you're drooling all over yourself and mumbling:eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by scoobydoo
It's just the Diet stuff that makes you stupid:D Drink full strength and you'll be fine.

Originally posted by scoobydoo

OH NO, Bud will make you think you're SMARTER when in actuality you're drooling all over yourself and mumbling:eek:

I'm screwed...I drink Bud light


just skimming thru... i dont know if anyone mentioned it...but the low res dkh test... you still may have to fill up the syringe for a 2nd time around when testing effluent... add up the readings then multiply by two

bang guy


Originally posted by golfish
I'm screwed...I drink Bud light

ugh... yellow carbonated water....and all that implies


Look behind or on top of the tank. Lost my Flame and couldn't find it for months. Turned up when I switched light hoods. It managed to land on the cross brace and was cooked the MH's....well done.

nm reef

Active Member
Nope...sadly the flame is absolutely no where to be found. Not even a trace....:nope:
I looked everywhere....three or four times.....


Active Member

Originally posted by NM reef
Nope...sadly the flame is absolutely no where to be found. Not even a trace....:nope:
I looked everywhere....three or four times.....

You know I had a open brain swallow a Yellow tang way back when, maybe it was your anemone


Active Member
It's amazing how fast the clean up crew works. i lost a cleaner shrimp a little over a month ago, there one day and gone the next. Never found any sign of him.