No connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda

darthtang aw

Active Member
To those of you that keep citing the 9/11 commission report for this. Please stop. The report cited there was no credible evidence that Iraq and Al Qaeda cooperated in the 9/11 attacks.Not that they weren't working together.
The head of the commission was quoted by saying this 10 days after the media ran with the no connection line.
"THERE WAS NO QUESTION in our minds that there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda."
Just no evidence linking the 2 with Al Qaeda.
Before we went into Iraq, Many Al Qaeda members fled to IRAQ and set up camp in Iraq before we invaded. This is in the IIS papewrs that have been uncovered. So please, stick with the "there were no WMDs" line and stop using this one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
To those of you that keep citing the 9/11 commission report for this. Please stop. The report cited there was no credible evidence that Iraq and Al Qaeda cooperated in the 9/11 attacks.Not that they weren't working together.
The head of the commission was quoted by saying this 10 days after the media ran with the no connection line.
"THERE WAS NO QUESTION in our minds that there was a relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda."
Just no evidence linking the 2 with Al Qaeda.
Before we went into Iraq, Many Al Qaeda members fled to IRAQ and set up camp in Iraq before we invaded. This is in the IIS papewrs that have been uncovered. So please, stick with the "there were no WMDs" line and stop using this one.
good luck with that! they will say there were no wmd's till they are blue in the face, their are still a lot of us that believe in what we are doing over there including a mass majority of our troops that are on the ground, they know what's at stake as do i, by the way darth of all the people here who post a lot of them i consider friends that i hope too not offend, you post the most informative and interesting threads on this forum in my opinion...tobin


Active Member
Now Im really confused...but, but Cheney said " long estabished ties " , he didnt say that without evidence did he ?? haha
Id back up to them well thought out war plans that let them escape Tora Bora in the first place....$$$$ for nothing. Just like the well thought out plans in Iraq....O' never mind....
But keep it up....moderates and independants just love this kinda stuff....

aztec reef

Active Member
Sure there is a connection, Al Qaeda is a Worldwide Network(all countries have links) .Does that give you the right to be at war with the world?
First of all, the objective of the War was to get Usama right? Or wmd's from Iraq, right after the 9/11 attacks.. I think the reality was a war against Iraq(oil).Not Osama. Lets face it usama has been wanted since the 93 WTC bombins..whats next, Iran? Syria? this wars are nothing but geopolitical contests..


Active Member
Unfortunately yeah, Iran may be next. Looking at the one thread and listening to the news, unfortuantly we may. Hopefuly nothing will happen till 2008 when we get a good leader in that will hopefuly make sure we don't enter another war. We can't even solve the Iraq situation.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Unfortunately yeah, Iran may be next. Looking at the one thread and listening to the news, unfortuantly we may. Hopefuly nothing will happen till 2008 when we get a good leader in that will hopefuly make sure we don't enter another war. We can't even solve the Iraq situation.
You must not be listening to the Democrat candidats ideas on the subject of Iran and Nukes.


Active Member
No because I realy don't care for any of the canidates that are running. I don't have to vote yet, thankfuly. But in 2012 hopefuly we'll have a good canidate to vote for.


Active Member
How many times has that been said before though? I'd love to go to heaven finaly, but come on guys. Why would it be that predicatable?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
no use in voting in 2012 cuz according to some ppl the world ends 12/21/2012

please DON"T keep saying this at it is so wrong!!!!!!!
The world isn't going to "END". 2012 its just the end of an ERA... its the tip of the piramyd, its when human kind should reach a new consciousness.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Aztec Reef
please DON"T keep saying this at it is so wrong!!!!!!!
The world isn't going to "END". 2012 its just the end of an ERA... its the tip of the piramyd, its when human kind should reach a new consciousness.

Ohh Drat....
Not saying I agree with the 2012 or to start a war about it..But Aztec is right..Its not the end....
It is supposed to signfy a "Change" according to the Mayan Wheel

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
I'd probably put more faith in the Mayan calendar had it warned of their empire's own demise...
Well you should put more faith in it cause NASA does..Whenever they make an Astronomical calculations they go by the mayan calendar..
The ancients recorded time using a 13 moon counting system and it goes back 500,000 years..The Mayan calendar is considered one of the most accurate calendars that has ever existed, It has withstood great accuracy throughout the centuries even with the calendars of today..
NASA predicts that on 2012 the Sun will reverse its own magnetic poles, As a result of the end of our current 11 year sunspot cycle.Scientists believe that this will have a profound effect on the EARTH's own magnetic field, as result in protons from the Sun can easily penetrate the earth's surface.
Nostradamus fortold A time of strife leading to the third Great-war between the years 2006-2012..(WWIII anyone?)
According to some people the chinese I-ching ends on 2012 also.