No More End Zone Celebrations?


Active Member
I personally have no problems with a TD celebration and/or a big play celebration but beleive the recent celebrations over the past few years have crossed the line. Chad Johnso, TO, and Joe Horn have certainly crossed the line. Joe Horn has since stopped, but I see Chad Johson and to some extent Smith from Carolina as continuing to cross the line. Most if not all are thought out in advance and practiced to some extent. This is not a spontaneous action.
I also find it amusing that most of the recent end zone antics seem to be done by wide receivers. I guess running backs know they have to face 300 plus pound linemen every play.
Celebrations have a place in football....but let's put a lid on the clown acts and the dog and pony shows. If you want to watch a clown go to the circus.



I feel you on the Niners thing. I'm a fan too. My take on this is it's bs. I love end-zone dances. One of my favs is the pen in the sock to sign the football (T.O.) That was just funny as hell. I think stepping in and banning celibrations all together is rediculous. Pretty soon there will be no reason to watch football because it's gonna be two-hand touch if it keeps going this way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nflnutswif
We did win (2) games last year!

you won that many??
i cant talk- my Vikings really blew last year, and this year isnt looking too promising.

darth tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by nflnutswif
Although I am a Houston Texans fan, I was getting a bit annoyed by all the opposing teams triumphant end zone dances!!!!!!!
We did win (2) games last year!

The Texans have done some good moves this off season. If they draft Bush and he turns out to be half the back everyone expects him to be I actually see the texans making the playoffs this year. You heard it here first.
Darth (How bout dem cowboys) Tang