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Discounted rate? There's no discounted rate at Texas State Universities. They have a Flat Rate Tuition where the only difference is whether you're a Texas resident or you're not. I found this article from a Dallas ABC affiliate that was written in 2007:
Texas deregulated the tuitions in 2003, and they've escalated every year since then. Grants and non-loan student aid only apply to underprivileged and low income families. Trust me, I couldn't apply for any of those types of loans with my income.
Key Point: Since Republicans took over Texas government five years ago, tuition has skyrocketed -- increasing by 68% across the UT system. Bottom line: Republicans are pricing families out of the opportunity of higher education.
When Republicans took control of the Texas Legislature in 2003, they did everything in their power to shrink government in order to ensure that Texas families were left to drown in the bathtub. Take, for example, tuition deregulation.
When I say discounted I mean AFTER federal grants and such. Which everyone can apply for and usually gets.
With that said I noticed the same article you linked stated community colleges in Texas are one of the cheapest in the nation. Is it not feasable to take all your basic classes for 2 years at a community college and then move to the university anymore? The cost would average back out....
Or wait, here is a novel idea...save themselves the money and go to college in another state off the border. the cost for the drive would be cheaper.Once again the market regulates itself...if it is to expensive in one place you go elsewhere.