non religious afterlife speculation


Active Member
i really dont want to start a religion thing here. im am not religious, i never will be. if you are going to get all jesusy and try to convert me, save your damn breath.
i want to have one afterlife conversation that doesnt have to do with GOD.
im not afraid of death or dying, so i feel no reason to search for a heaven. ive accepted that we pretty much go blank and rot in the ground. your soul dies. everything goes black. but i was thinking today, ive been in the making since the very first human. cells split, and split, and split, and after thousands of years here i am. no brand new cells were created out of nothingness to make me. so now, its all over? all that time, all that evolution, and i have a heart attack or get hit by a bus and thats the end? i guess.
humans arent special, we arent any different than anyhting else. im sure a human soul dies just the same as a hippopotomus soul.
but its just the end? after all that? i mean, yeah, we die, fertilize the eath, become corn, go in a can, someone buys us, eats us, and a little ity bity bit of us becomes a part of them. but....
im not really sure what im asking for here? your thoughts?
PUHLEEZE do not make this a religious debate. sure, if thats what you believe, go ahead and share. but please dont make a big thing about it. you believe it, others may not. big deal. more room in heaven for you.


Active Member
i dont know.
i guess the point of life is to procreate. keep the species alive. i guess we live on in our children.
huh? is there any other kind of after life thats not religious. being reincarrinated (sp??)???? as corn....... you know it goes in the same way it comes out....

but what if they dont eat you, what if you are used as popcorn and strung up around a christmas tree.. or used to make deisal fuel??
on a serious note.. if there is nothing after life, then life sucks. we live for nothing. i for one am looking forward to THE after life..


Active Member
i was thinking well me and my friend were eating lunch and we started talking about this...we came to the conclusion that the world will go in a the ages...they go over like in however many years we would be sitting in the same spot, but it wouldn't be us it would just be like our bodies new people....AHHH im afraid to die though it will SUCK major DONKEY NUTS! ahh its so like you know...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What makes you think you have a soul?
good question. a "soul" is a very religious term imo. so why would you use a "religious invention" if you don't subscribe to religious beliefs and want religion kept out of the conversation? I think "soul" and "consciousness" are 2 different things.
journeyman, I just noticed you are in Denton, TX. ever heard of the band Slobberbone?


Active Member
im using the phrase soul to refer to thinking, personal, selfness.
consciousness then. substitute "consciousness" every time i said "soul". same thing.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
im using the phrase soul to refer to thinking, personal, selfness.
consciousness then. substitute "consciousness" every time i said "soul". same thing.
Be careful. You may be associating yourself with a religion, albeit the church of satan. Your avatar, mr. manson holds the honorary title of reverend in that church.


Active Member
im aware of that. its not satanic in the way most would think of it though. not killing puppies and sacrificing virgins. its actually quite intelligent (even if Anton LaVey was a bit of a cornball). and he isnt a reverend in the sense that he gives sermons and collects money, its an honorary title.
anyways, im not talking about manson. im not talking about anything really. whatever. im out of my mind. idk.
id actually like to believe in reincarnation, but i dont and i cant make myself. i think its an interesting concept though. i guess i do in a way with my whole corn theory. maybe the karmically favored get eaten and get to live on, and the karmically effed get burned in a biodiesel engine.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
im aware of that. its not satanic in the way most would think of it though. not killing puppies and sacrificing virgins. its actually quite intelligent. and he isnt a reverend in the sense that he gives sermons and collects money, its an honorary title.
anyways, im not talking about manson. im not talking about anything really. whatever. im out of my mind. idk.
Well, thank goodness no puppies are being killed. Just good, clean, satanic fun stuff.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What makes you think you have a soul?
That sounds SOOO cold but I know what you mean.
I think there is not a heaven and hell BUT a after life. I do not think cause you where a bad person your going to hell BUT maybe your after life will be worse for a little bit


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
What makes you think you have a soul?
Good Point!
Originally Posted by alix2.0

id actually like to believe in reincarnation, but i don't and i cant make myself.

Fact of the matter is no one knows the truth, so what you believe is immaterial. The belief in a soul or an afterlife is an issue of faith. Faith is a crap shoot. Either you are right or wrong. It doesn't matter because at the end, it is what it is.
Maybe we float past pearly gates and spend an eternity wearing white robes and sandals. Maybe the light just turns off. Or maybe we get reincarnated into Smurfs.
The point is it doesn't matter. No sense spending a lifetime worrying about something totally out of your control. Just live you life the best you can and be kind to others. What will be will be.

payton 350

you can believe in an afterlife and still not believe in any religion.
you can believe in afterlife energies too and still not have a religious belief.
AS someone posted earlier , we really will never know until we die, so just do the right thing now and you won't have to worry about it.