non religious afterlife speculation


New Member
What happens if something happens to our Earth and there are no more people. Where does all the energy go then? Where did the energy go of prehistoric man? If there is no Earth is there an afterlife?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
I believe in I believe and have faith there is an afterlife involving heaven and hell according to the Bible
i don't think we want your kind in this thread..


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Originally Posted by renogaw
hehe ok, you're still wormfood in the end so you're ok here. welcome

hahaha, my body may be, and thats ok, although disgusting, as long as I'm in heaven I can live with it(keepin my fingers crossed on this one)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
hahaha, my body may be, and thats ok, although disgusting, as long as I'm in heaven I can live with it(keepin my fingers crossed on this one)

i could swear that people don't enter heaven until judgement day, so if this is the case you're going to see and feel the worms :) of course, i could be wrong, its been a while
Originally Posted by Mom2ella
What happens if something happens to our Earth and there are no more people. Where does all the energy go then? Where did the energy go of prehistoric man? If there is no Earth is there an afterlife?

the universe has lots of energy, planets, stars, suns etc. as prehistoric mans energy trees, plants, flowers, animals. we all have energy, as well as everything else

payton 350

Me....i think we go blank and thats it. Do whatever you want with me , recycle me i prefer....Now my friend, we gonna smoke him till there is no more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mom2ella
What happens if something happens to our Earth and there are no more people. Where does all the energy go then? Where did the energy go of prehistoric man? If there is no Earth is there an afterlife?

you drive the prehistoric man's energy... he turned into oil :)
a dead person's energy goes into decomposition (heat) and becomes other's energy (animals, plants, etc).


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i could swear that people don't enter heaven until judgement day, so if this is the case you're going to see and feel the worms :) of course, i could be wrong, its been a while
(not to stray off to far) but that is debatable. And not the general train of thought.


there actually like studies going on about the effects of dmt and death...dmt is a chemical in your brain that is released when you dream and when you die...and that bright white light(some believe) is actually just a huge amount of dmt being released into you brain..people also take the drug like its acid...ive been told that it is liek traveling into the future and such things....but personally i believe we live on in our own big dmt trip


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i could swear that people don't enter heaven until judgement day, so if this is the case you're going to see and feel the worms :) of course, i could be wrong, its been a while
haha, well like said that could be debatable (not welcome i know)...but if that is the case, then put my in a tank and seal me up


I'm not saying there is or isn't a "God", but I think we as humans have way too high of an opinion of our importance. Consider how gigantic the universe could be (we can't even travel to the end of our own solar system which is infinitesimaly small by comparison) and tell me that while you have selfish "sinful" thoughts and actions the all knowing all powerful creator of the universe will punish you for eternity while neutron stars devour the universe around them billions of miles away. We are the tiniest speck of existence...oh now I've went and depressed myself


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
i could swear that people don't enter heaven until judgement day, so if this is the case you're going to see and feel the worms :) of course, i could be wrong, its been a while

Originally Posted by stdreb27
(not to stray off to far) but that is debatable. And not the general train of thought.

Originally Posted by Bronco300

haha, well like said that could be debatebul(not welcome i know)...but if that is the case, then put my in a tank and seal me up
started a new thread for this in respect to Alix :)


Active Member
I'll say first that I am catholic (how 'true' is TBD), but the afterlife question really bugged me, I'll always been a simple, basics, facts sort of guy. The heaven thing get me because, A.)How big is heaven really? Can it really "fit" all of us in there for ever and ever? B.) If we are indeed waiting for judgement day, what will we look like in heaven? I would have a great fear about what freakshow we'd look like with our decomposing bodies. Or if we got to pick what we looked like, be it sometime earlier in our lives or something completely different, how would we know what are family and friends look like? I've seen pictures of my parents when they were younger, but I doubt I could pick them out of a lineup.
When I was younger, I had a completely weird train of thought, I was sort of mix of both Christianity and Buddistism, you were reincarinated till you were human, I was never sure how many times or what have you, but once you were human, and 'were able to get into heaven.' Bad people were sent back to 'start over again.' Sort of a earth's is heck, type thing.
Now, I dunno, I honestly really am unsure that there's anything after the last electrical pulse your brain shoots out. That doesn't mean life ain't worth living, but you always should make the most of what you got.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sciknen
there actually like studies going on about the effects of dmt and death...dmt is a chemical in your brain that is released when you dream and when you die...and that bright white light(some believe) is actually just a huge amount of dmt being released into you brain..people also take the drug like its acid...ive been told that it is liek traveling into the future and such things....but personally i believe we live on in our own big dmt trip
someone brought this up in biology class yesterday. they said its the strongest known psychedelic or something, and you totally trip out seconds before you die. wasnt too scientific, he's a major stoner.


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
So Alix...what's your thoughts up to this point

ive been at school all day pondering. very interesting. i was in a strange state of mind yesterday when i posted. if i offended anyone with all of my antijesusness, i truely am sorry. i have no problem with anything anyone believes, i just really didnt want to get a big religious debate going.

nacl freak

Let me share my story. I've only told it once in 28 years.
I was twenty-two and pregnant with my 1st baby.AT 8mos, I began to have pain in my right upper side that was unrelenting. 18 hours later I found myself staring up into a mask for anesthesia. The placenta had abrupted.[torn away from the uterine wall]I was hemorrhaging internally. I had 3 ivs, of which two were infusing whole blood as fast as they could. I remember feeling so nauseated and lightheaded, as the anesthesiologist said, we're losing her. The next thing I remember was a perfect peace.I was floating over my body. There was total chaos in the room. I could see everything. The doctors trying to revive me, the doctor delivering the baby, the baby, chaos. I was at peace. I kept tring to communicate that to them, trying to tell them I was fine. I was trying to calm them down and reassure them. I remember looking as the doctor delivered my child and smiling as I thought how surprised everyone was going to be. Everyone told me I was having a girl. Everything I had was for a girl, but there in the doctors hands, I saw a beautiful boy and blood every where blood.All was quiet, like I was watching with the mute on the TV. I felt wonderful no pain, no saddness, no fear only peace and joy. Then terrible pain ,sickness and noise .Voices, excited and loud. Baby crying, someone on my chest pushing. Awarness,I was back. Take what you will from this story. It happened a lifetime ago ,but affects me daily.


Active Member
Just for clarification, you were expecting a baby girl, did the doctors tell you a girl beforehand? And in your out of body experience, noticed you had a boy and that's indeed the child you had?