non religious afterlife speculation


whoa I believe a few of us strayed in the religious sector of this argument.
I am with alix2.0 on this one. I guess you could say I'm atheist, or an agnostic being (look it up on google) so this discussion relates to me i guess...
Me and my friends actually had about a 4 hour conversation about this the other week at about 1 in the morning (yes that means we stayed up untill 5 talking about this and we're 16 year old football players. who woulda thought we were smart
Anyways. My teacher was also touching on this (touchy hahahhaa) subject in my AP European history class when we were talkin about quantum physics (kinda weird lol) and he said that one of the old pilosophes (forgot his name, 19th cent though) theorized that there are a certain number of atoms in the world (obviously some massive number imaginable by humans) and that when one person and decays their atoms are given off and used by other living things. Sounds elementary and maybe unbelieveable but that's what this philosophe stated.
My personal belief is that when you die your conciousness, state of being, electrical impulses or what-have-you, die off into a type of nothingness not yet conceivable to humans. I have become ingulfed in this subject and don't know how to write it all out but have a pretty strong, well suported argument about this that we can talk about more if it comes up.
My fantastical belief is that there is a matrix running every persons life and every person is on a specific course and there is a reason for why everything happens, why every person dies, why tradgedies occur. I think these events occur to let the human race grow and, in terms of matrix, computer talk, increase the AI (artificial intelligence) of the human race.
Also, on the matrix subject, when one person moves out of the programmable path of the matrix, they are killed or set aside by some "freak" accident or occurance.
Yes I am slightly insane and I realize this lol.


Active Member
if there was nothing after we died how would one explain ghostly encounters?i have seen and talked with my grandfather, 'felt' and smelled my granny and 'felt' ,seen and heard tobin along with everyone else in the house .most recently we were watching american idol last wednesday the results show and we (my daughter and i) heard tobin say 'whats for dinner 'it came from behind us we both turned around at the same time we both recognized it as tobin clear as a bell .he does not come when i want him to or as much as i would like him to but on occasion he does pop up. if there is nothing after death how do you explain the enduring 'myth' of ghosts/spirits?


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
i really dont want to start a religion thing here. im am not religious, i never will be. if you are going to get all jesusy and try to convert me, save your damn breath.
i want to have one afterlife conversation that doesnt have to do with GOD.
im not afraid of death or dying, so i feel no reason to search for a heaven. ive accepted that we pretty much go blank and rot in the ground. your soul dies. everything goes black. but i was thinking today, ive been in the making since the very first human. cells split, and split, and split, and after thousands of years here i am. no brand new cells were created out of nothingness to make me. so now, its all over? all that time, all that evolution, and i have a heart attack or get hit by a bus and thats the end? i guess.
humans arent special, we arent any different than anyhting else. im sure a human soul dies just the same as a hippopotomus soul.
but its just the end? after all that? i mean, yeah, we die, fertilize the eath, become corn, go in a can, someone buys us, eats us, and a little ity bity bit of us becomes a part of them. but....
im not really sure what im asking for here? your thoughts?
PUHLEEZE do not make this a religious debate. sure, if thats what you believe, go ahead and share. but please dont make a big thing about it. you believe it, others may not. big deal. more room in heaven for you.
Why do you believe this?... What makes you so sure?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
the myth of ghosts actually proves that people don't move on to heaven...
Well depending on your interpretation many belive your soul does not move on to heaven until the savior/messiah comes back to retrieve your soul and those others that are saved which would fall in line with the existance of ghosts on this planet and does not mean one can;t believe in an afterlife and also believe in ghosts.
Edit: this is the longest run on sentence ever.
To Alix.....if you don't belive in an afterlife and don't want to spark a religious discussion, what exactly is left to debate on this subject?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Well depending on your interpretation many belive your soul does not move on to heaven until the savior/messiah comes back to retrieve your soul and those others that are saved which would fall in line with the existance of ghosts on this planet and does not mean one can;t believe in an afterlife and also believe in ghosts.
Edit: this is the longest run on sentence ever.
i guess this is true.


Active Member
alix how could there be an afterlife if its not tied in with a supernatural (aka religious) belief?
just my point of view here, Afterlife or not is a thing base on intangibles, so its left to beliefs/religions to fill that need. the need to believe there is more, better or worse, punishment,vindication. its impossible to truly believe in an after life with out a faith. be it having faith nature recycles (reincarnation), god punishes the wicked (a whole lump of religions/sects thereof fall into this category), Nihilism (there is no meaning to it all), even believeing in nothing takes faith.
I would have to say, dont expect an after life, be happy with the one you have, it may be the only one you get. most people cant handle that, there has to be a reason. No, there doesnt. some people feel the need, to have faith, and more power to them if their faith, belief, non-belief, whatever makes them happy. thats what truly counts. being happy, this life is heaven or hell or whatever its made by the person living it.


Active Member
To the original poster:
I know you weren't looking for any answers, probably just thinking outloud. Although I'm religious now, at times i'm less religious than other times. I think that the whole purpose is to continue on the human race. You spoke about evolution, and then having everything come to come climactic (sp*) end with something lame like a heart attack, or being killed by choaking on a piece of shrimp. I think (or thought) the entire point is to keep the race and species alive. Your right, we all are from some single mass at one point in time, and we've evolved into what we are today. But that isn't were it ends, don't be so centered on the thought of death. Yes you will rot in the ground, but the human race will continue to live. I think that is what you are gettting caught up one, you believe all of this work created you, and then you die which seems like a lot of work for nothing. But the reality is you were put here for a reason, whether your religious and believe that everyone has a destiny and a purpose, or that you don't believe in a God(s) and you were created for one purpose, to continue the human speicies.
Either way, there was an original reason - it wasn't for nothing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
scientific evidence.
The laws of probablity suggest that it is much more likely that there is a God, than there is not. Just look at the complexity of our existance and the Earth in general. Everything is too orderly and systematic to be created by chance or 1 in the largest # that can be fathomed... Than you have the complexity of the human body, which is far superior than anything man has ever created... Lastly, we do have a special energy that can be tapped into, we do have a conscience... which leads me to believe we have a soul outside of the matter of which we call a body. Where we go after death is a mystey because you can't experience it until you go... but its like what do you have to loose if you do believe, rather than don't? When you die.. the energy "life force" in your body is gone... where does it go? Yes of course your body can be used as food... but where does the energy go? Does it just end like a battery or does it leave the body and go on?


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
energy is released as heat during decomp...heat is transfered into the ground.
Doesn't make since, because your body creates heat...and it ceases to do so once you've died. Whatever heat does leave the body is not equal to the energy used by the body..
I just read a story about a woman who essentially died... she had 3 heart attacks pulse or no brainwaves for 17 hours... her body began to set into rigor mortis.. the nurses were pulling the tubes from her body... then she woke up. There is a video on it in yahoo. Doesn't appear to be any brain damage either... this is the type of stuff that defies the rules of science..tells me miracles are possible..and that even though her body indicated she was dead.. her soul gave her body life again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Doesn't make since, because your body creates heat...and it ceases to do so once you've died. Whatever heat does leave the body is not equal to the energy used by the body..
How do you think heat in the body is produced? The body metabolizes glucose(fats) into CO2 and water and builds ATP molecules. These ATP molecules(Adenosine triphosphate) are used by cells in the body for energy. The process of building and using ATP gives off heat(chemical reaction) and that's what heats your body.
When your body decomposes, it's more or less the same reactions, just different bacteria/fungus and what have you, use your body cells as the 'glucose' in the way it heats your body.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Doesn't make since, because your body creates heat...and it ceases to do so once you've died. Whatever heat does leave the body is not equal to the energy used by the body..
I just read a story about a woman who essentially died... she had 3 heart attacks pulse or no brainwaves for 17 hours... her body began to set into rigor mortis.. the nurses were pulling the tubes from her body... then she woke up. There is a video on it in yahoo. Doesn't appear to be any brain damage either... this is the type of stuff that defies the rules of science..tells me miracles are possible..and that even though her body indicated she was dead.. her soul gave her body life again.
why were we videotaping some dead chick?


Originally Posted by alix2.0
i really dont want to start a religion thing here. im am not religious, i never will be. if you are going to get all jesusy and try to convert me, save your damn breath.
i want to have one afterlife conversation that doesnt have to do with GOD.
im not afraid of death or dying, so i feel no reason to search for a heaven. ive accepted that we pretty much go blank and rot in the ground. your soul dies. everything goes black. but i was thinking today, ive been in the making since the very first human. cells split, and split, and split, and after thousands of years here i am. no brand new cells were created out of nothingness to make me. so now, its all over? all that time, all that evolution, and i have a heart attack or get hit by a bus and thats the end? i guess.
humans arent special, we arent any different than anyhting else. im sure a human soul dies just the same as a hippopotomus soul.
but its just the end? after all that? i mean, yeah, we die, fertilize the eath, become corn, go in a can, someone buys us, eats us, and a little ity bity bit of us becomes a part of them. but....
im not really sure what im asking for here? your thoughts?
PUHLEEZE do not make this a religious debate. sure, if thats what you believe, go ahead and share. but please dont make a big thing about it. you believe it, others may not. big deal. more room in heaven for you.
Maybe you should ask Marilyn Manson.


Active Member
Originally Posted by K-ROK
Maybe you should ask Marilyn Manson.

maybe ill ask your mom.
anyways, yeah, i realize that the purpose of our lives is to ensure the survival of the species, but whats the point of that?
my purpose is to advance the species
my child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
their child's purpose is to advance the species
one way or another, humans die out, or the sun blows up.
what was the point of that?