NOT a big fan of TATTOOS ESPECIALLY on Women!

Originally Posted by Tizzo
Holy cow was that for me??
How clear can I make this.
I am asking a question. Not making a statement.
Get over what??
I am not judging. What did I say to indicate that I was??

And monk, are they hot?

No that was NOT towards u!


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
Tizzo, I think certain people find traits in general in others appealing. There are certain things that trigger interest in the opposite (or same) ---. Be it hair color, eye color, body type, choice of clothing and so on. I think tattooing is becoming more mainstream now a days and some people find them attractive on others. It's still kind of funny to me that my guy is not inked, normally I am attracted to inked men, obviously not all inked men but if a guy is attractive to me and has tattoos, that's a bonus.
I also have a masters degree and own and operate my own transportation business, if someone were to discount me from a spot on the PTA for my choice of body modification, that is pretty sad. For the record, I am active in my kids schools, usually manage their programs, both schools are private Christian schools. I guess I got lucky or something..........
I don't understand your point.......
I likey
Great work XHAPPYX


Staff member
Posting over exposed bodies at SWF will get you banned. Keep in mind that this is a forum with many underage people.


Active Member
Just to voice my opinion here....Hot chicks are hot. Whether they have tattos or not.
I have 1 tat and my wife has none. It's not what someone else thinks, but what you want to represent and portray about yourself that matters.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xhappyx
Originally Posted by Beth
Posting over exposed bodies at SWF will get you banned. Keep in mind that this is a forum with many underage people.
In my humble opinion, this is much more offensive than smart's tattoo pic. JMO. No offense Xhappy.


Active Member
I don't see anything wrong with tats on women. I always wanted one when I was younger... a turquoise turtle on my hip bone. I don't have any and I'm sure hubby wouldn't want me get one. He is not into tats.
I have friends with and without them and having them doesn't make me think of the person any different.


Originally Posted by Beth
Posting over exposed bodies at SWF will get you banned. Keep in mind that this is a forum with many underage people.
my appologies, wasn't looking at it that way. feel free to remove it.


Staff member

Originally Posted by florida joe
Happy I cannot speak for Beth but I am sure she was not talking about you
Correct, I was not. And actually, I think the tattoo photos should remain over in the "love tats" topics. All of those posting pictures here are hijacking the topic. Please desist, or I'll be closing down ALL tattoo topics.