NOT a big fan of TATTOOS ESPECIALLY on Women!


Active Member
I know the guy for ya in Dunedin, Tizz. He is a friend of mine. It would be close to an hour drive though.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
BUt I am simply wondering why comments like "Girls with tats are hot" are made without seeing face, knowing personality... nothing. I mean, what is it about tats that's so intriguing.

I'm not a guy, but I think the hot comments are likely off the cuff remarks. Some may view tats as being very sexy, and a woman with them as being a rather sexual person. Its a misguided generalization, but that is likely the reason behind the "hot" comment.


Originally Posted by Beth
I'm no a guy, but I think the hot comments are likely off the cuff remarks. Some may view tats as being very sexy, and a woman with them as being a rather sexual person. Its a misguided generalization, but that is likely the reason behind the "hot" comment.
So kind of of a misguided stereotype then??
Hear that guys!! Tats do not make a girl hot. The tat can be hot (as monk says) the girl can be hot, but the tat doesn't make the girl hot....


Active Member
For me, there's nothing more beautiful/sexy in a girl then beautiful clean skin. A tat here or there, fine. Sorry, I don't know how to cut this any other way, but a girl with sleeves, 40% of their body tatted up, I doubt I'd ever find attractive. That doesn't mean they repulse me and we can't be friends. Their choice, so be it. More power to them, but as mentioned please don't expect to be hired to run a PTA meeting or flip out when negative comments are said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Sorry, I don't know how to cut this any other way, but a girl with sleeves, 40% of their body tatted up, I doubt I'd ever find attractive. That doesn't mean they repulse me and we can't be friends. Their choice, so be it. More power to them, but as mentioned please don't expect to be hired to run a PTA meeting or flip out when negative comments are said.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
BUt I am simply wondering why comments like "Girls with tats are hot" are made without seeing face, knowing personality... nothing. I mean, what is it about tats that's so intriguing.
I didn't say this, but here's a possible answer to your question. MEN LIKE LOOKING AT THE FEMALE BODY!! Many tats are on the lower back, chest, stomach, thigh or some other area that may get guys' imaginations working.
Now of course this isn't how I think. I would never objectify any woman, any time, for any reason.
But you know men... they are pigs.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by T316
Hey Joe, I didn't see that one in the first pic on a previous thread. What are the 5 red things, can't tell from the pic. Bullets? Chilli peppers? Rose buds?
LOL my friend I cannot tell you what people think they are for fear of being banned. You have to look at the whole picture it’s the fingers of the girl you see ripping out of my skin (wow does that have some subliminal message, god I hope not) And as a side bar the theme is vampires, it started in 69 when the code of my hunter killer team in Vietnam was TAKE BLOOD DON’T GIVE IT


Active Member
It's pretty funny but I just checked the other tat thread and I didn't see a single negative comment except regarding a picture posted of some guy who love them or hate them had a ugly tatoo job and those comments came from the pro tat crowd.
Yet we get over here and anyone who doesn't like, admire, or is not attracted to tatoos gets slammed for expressing an opinion. Maybe it isn't the tatoos as much as the attitude some people with tatoos throw some people object too


Tizzo, I think certain people find traits in general in others appealing. There are certain things that trigger interest in the opposite (or same) ---. Be it hair color, eye color, body type, choice of clothing and so on. I think tattooing is becoming more mainstream now a days and some people find them attractive on others. It's still kind of funny to me that my guy is not inked, normally I am attracted to inked men, obviously not all inked men but if a guy is attractive to me and has tattoos, that's a bonus.
I also have a masters degree and own and operate my own transportation business, if someone were to discount me from a spot on the PTA for my choice of body modification, that is pretty sad. For the record, I am active in my kids schools, usually manage their programs, both schools are private Christian schools. I guess I got lucky or something..........
Originally Posted by crimzy
I didn't say this, but here's a possible answer to your question. MEN LIKE LOOKING AT THE FEMALE BODY!! Many tats are on the lower back, chest, stomach, thigh or some other area that may get guys' imaginations working.
Now of course this isn't how I think. I would never objectify any woman, any time, for any reason.
But you know men... they are pigs.

I don't understand your point.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I didn't say this, but here's a possible answer to your question. MEN LIKE LOOKING AT THE FEMALE BODY!! Many tats are on the lower back, chest, stomach, thigh or some other area that may get guys' imaginations working.
Now of course this isn't how I think. I would never objectify any woman, any time, for any reason.
But you know men... they are pigs.

YEA.... me either....

OHHHHH come on Im a guy for cryin out loud.... sheesh.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
Tizzo, I think certain people find traits in general in others appealing. There are certain things that trigger interest in the opposite (or same) ---. Be it hair color, eye color, body type, choice of clothing and so on. I think tattooing is becoming more mainstream now a days and some people find them attractive on others. It's still kind of funny to me that my guy is not inked, normally I am attracted to inked men, obviously not all inked men but if a guy is attractive to me and has tattoos, that's a bonus.
I also have a masters degree and own and operate my own transportation business, if someone were to discount me from a spot on the PTA for my choice of body modification, that is pretty sad. For the record, I am active in my kids schools, usually manage their programs, both schools are private Christian schools. I guess I got lucky or something..........
I don't understand your point.......

Ahem... sorry, thats really nice, and not hot or anything

Yea thats me just stirrin up the ol fire.


Originally Posted by smartorl
Tizzo, I think certain people find traits in general in others appealing.
Fair enough.
I think another "what do you think is hot in the opposite gender" thread should be created.

Cause I got a list.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
A plus is No one ever accused Tattoos as being ick magnets or said you can not get one on a body less then 110 lbs


Smartorl MOONED you guys and your falling all over yourselves.

I'm kidding, smart. Those tats are pretty though. Not "hot" (cause I'm a girl,) but pretty


And I have a laundry list of "what's not", lol.
FYI, I'm not flashing at the PTA, and my man is the only one that really sees the front of the thong............


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Smartorl MOONED you guys and your falling all over yourselves.

I'm kidding, smart. Those tats are pretty though. Not "hot" (cause I'm a girl,) but pretty
But if you said they were... NOW THAT WOULD BE HOT....
I can do this all day... LOL....