NOT a big fan of TATTOOS ESPECIALLY on Women!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I kinda started skimming halfway down the first page cause it's sorta going off topic. I do agree with the above statement though. To like them or not is a preference, but to "judge" is not appropriate.
So, here's my question... I noticed that a lot of people said that women with tattoos are hot... If you meet a woman, and she's very average, and you know her for say a month, and she stays average, THEN you notice a tattoo, she then becomes immediately hot?? Why?
I am curious if she becomes hot because in your mind you translate tats as "easy signs".
My opinion about women only change over time due to emotional changes, not physical ones.... ie: love them more over time if they're a good match for me, less over time if they're a bad match, stuff like that. If I suddenly notice a tattoo it doesn't immediately make her hot, but if I notice one early on and it looks good, it can help add to my physical attraction.
Originally Posted by DragonZim
Keep on posting! Tastefully done tattoos on a woman can indeed be VERY HOT and based on your pic in your avatar, you are indeed a hottie.
I personally think Kat Von Dee is hot as hell

I like kat too but I think she is a bit "overdone" but I wont judge she is her own person and is doing what she likes. I do however wish she had never left Miami

I know she is happier (or she portrays in her show) but I liked her there


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I like kat too but I think she is a bit "overdone" but I wont judge she is her own person and is doing what she likes. I do however wish she had never left Miami

I know she is happier (or she portrays in her show) but I liked her there

I think she is a little overdone as well, but hey, to each their own. With or without ink she is a very attractive woman. I actually really like the little stars and things she has on her face around the sides of her eyes.
I LOVE her stars too!!!!!
and she does have some VERY nice work, I would just never go that far myself (not meant in a bad way)


Staff member
As I said in a previous post, this topic is a fair opportunity for alternative thoughts on tattoos. No one should assume that this topic is a personal affront on your choices regarding tattoos/body art. Its just a place to state alternative thoughts on the matter.
Please refrain from taking comments here personally and refrain from making personal negative comments.


Long time since I have logged in...........
As a sleeved about 40% covered professional woman, I can tell you I got my ink for me, I really don't care what anyone else thinks. If you don't like it, I am not asking you to look or to get a tattoo yourself.
Everyone has an opinion about everything, that's nothing new, but it doesn't mean that I have to agree with you. Most of my tattoos were covered until I sleeved my arm and started on my chest so I have seen people's reactions change. I find it amusing that someone would be so closed minded as to write me off as a freak and a loser.
I have spent alot of money and time on my work. I have also been tattooing for a while now and admit that there are things I won't do. I know that the person will regret it in a few hours, weeks, months, or years. I don't like to see kids at the age of 18 pounding the ink and ending up locked into a full body suit by the time they are 19. I think that there will be regrets when they mature. But again that is their choice.
My ex was a tattoo artist but the guy I am dating now is ink free, has no plans on getting any but supports me for my choices, novel concept.



Active Member
I never judge anyone I see with tatoo's. To each his, or her own. I do have an opinion about them though. I dont mind them, tastefully placed in the right places I do think they are incredibly hot on women. And I do think both men and women can over do it. Kat, is a great example, beautiful woman her decision to have tats, cool go for it. But on her face? I dont get it, why? She is very pretty and i understand its an expression somthing that has meaning but IMO thats going a bit too far. And not only the face, but sleeves and stuff, not my thing. But hey if you like it I wont not be your friend because of it.
I have always wanted one.. I should of done it when I was younger, because now I have trouble justifing spending the money on it when I have a list of other things more important to accomplish. But if money werent a concern it would be my daughters name in some cool font or design on my arm.


i don't think anyone's necessarily saying that IF you have tattoos then it's trashy, its more or less personal opinions on HOW the person is tattooed. in my opinion, i do not find an excessive amount of tattoos attractive. something small and simple i kind of like but i don't like the sleeves and the whole legs covered and everything else. but that's just me. somebody else may find this very attractive. this is no different than saying i like blondes better than brunettes. you can't please all the people all the time and nobody is liked by everybody


Active Member
As I said earlier I think women that are inked up, we're talking down arms and legs and so on look plain nasty to me. Doesn't mean I think they are a bad person or anything, just not my cup of tea. Don't really get piercings either. So what, Does that affect the quality of your life?
I don't get what everybody is getting so worked up over.


Active Member
As being the "OP" I brought up this topic as a purely opinionated thread, DO YOY LIKE THEM? or NOT? And a few hopefully innocuous adjectives to express your own personal opinion. BUT it was never designed to express any kind of derogatory comments whether it be to any individual poster or the whole tattooed collective. BUT on the other hand people should be FREE to express their LIKES or DIS LIKES of tattoos and why? WITHOUT any personal jabs. Remember this is just an open forum.


I think people get worked up because you tend to get tired of non-tattooed people feeling the need to show us the light.
I am a professional tattooed woman, about 45% covered at this point. I never would have thought this is where I'd be but I have no regrets. Each piece is my own design and each piece has meaning for me. I don't expect anyone to get it or like it. I am inked for me and I don't really care what anyone thinks. Live and let live.
For those that feel the need to approach me to let me know that they don't approve of my choice, um, do you also approach people with peirced ears? That is a choice as well, just a more acceptible one.
For many years most of my ink could be covered with clothes. When I got sleeved and then started on my chest, I saw people's opinions and reactions change towards me. I feel sorry for them for being so closed minded. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, if you don't like it, don't get one. You explaining to me what I will look like at 60 is not sending me reeling into massive laser removal first thing tomorrow. My work is deeper than that.
I have alot of time and money invested on my work. I put alot into my maintaining a healthy lifestyle period. I think many people that are open and want to discuss their opinions seem to think trashy, fat, slobbish people have tattoos. Not true.
I have also been tattooing for a while now. There are things I will not do. You can pretty much see the situations that will end badly. I will not full body suit an 18 year old kid. I see them coming in all the time, I think they will come to regret it. These are the people that end up finding someone looking to make a few bucks who will tattoo them only to have it removed later. They are usually not too hard to spot.
My ex was a tattoo artist, my current boyfriend has no tattoos and no intentions to ever get any but he is very open minded.
Live and let live.......
U started this thread as a DIRECT result to me posting my pics
U said it yourself "u didnt want to hijack my thread" I believe were your words


Originally Posted by Tizzo
I kinda started skimming halfway down the first page cause it's sorta going off topic. I do agree with the above statement though. To like them or not is a preference, but to "judge" is not appropriate.
So, here's my question... I noticed that a lot of people said that women with tattoos are hot... If you meet a woman, and she's very average, and you know her for say a month, and she stays average, THEN you notice a tattoo, she then becomes immediately hot?? Why?
I am curious if she becomes hot because in your mind you translate tats as "easy signs".

Easy signs? While I do find tattooed people to be a little more open minded with regard to things being socially acceptible, I do not think that a girl having a tat makes her "easy". That is the mentality that po's me.
Guys that approach me when I go out with friends because they think because I am tattooed I am some kind of freak. WRONG! If you jump to that conclusion without having a word pass between the two of you, my friend, the problem is yours, not mine. Really nice to meet you now #$*% off!


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
U started this thread as a DIRECT result to me posting my pics
U said it yourself "u didnt want to hijack my thread" I believe were your words
Maybe so, because I didnt want to take away from the topic of your thread of how much you love and are proud of your tattoos, but this has nothing to do with you personally, I do not know you, I have never met you, nor have I ever had one word between us. I do not feel in anyway that this thread was a targeted personal attack. BUT just like you felt the need to post on how much you love your tattoos. I have the right to express my despise for them in a whole other thread. Without ever being derogatory in anyways towards anybody who loves them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by smartorl
Guys that approach me when I go out with friends because they think because I am tattooed I am some kind of freak. WRONG! If you jump to that conclusion without having a word pass between the two of you, my friend, the problem is yours, not mine. Really nice to meet you now #$*% off!
That's so weird because I have 2 tattoos and, before I was married, I was super-easy.
I've always thought that us tattooed people like to get around.


Originally Posted by crimzy
That's so weird because I have 2 tattoos and, before I was married, I was super-easy.
I've always thought that us tattooed people like to get around.

well we are but it shouldn't be a given.............