NOT a big fan of TATTOOS ESPECIALLY on Women!

Originally Posted by Jmick
If you don't care what people think, then why did you start a thread about your tats?

And I DONT care what people think but I wanted to share as one is BRAND new and I am PROUD of my artwork

Originally Posted by Jmick
It depends on the tat and the woman. I agree, some women look great with a tatoo...with the exception of the lower back tats. I hate those and IMO, they are almost as cheesy as the guys who have the barbed wire tats on their upper arms. Also, if you are going to have a playboy bunny symbol you'd better be hot or it looks really silly.

R u implying something???????
Arent u the same one who got pi$$y with me b/c I didnt have my paypal acct yet and u didnt want wait for a pymt???


nybutterfly...I'm with you I love my tattoos and my wife loves hers. I have almost 2 complete sleeves and she has 10. the one I get the most comments about is the one I have on the right side of my neck.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Crashbandicoot
Just like I am free to say if you call my girlfriend trashy then I have the right to call you close minded . Its my opinion that to call somebody trashy with out even knowing them is close minded .
i dont mind if you quote me, but please, if you do, make sure you get it right.
im not the one who said they look trashy....
Originally Posted by nu2salt
nybutterfly...I'm with you I love my tattoos and my wife loves hers. I have almost 2 complete sleeves and she has 10. the one I get the most comments about is the one I have on the right side of my neck.
I think we all should be proud of our art!
I do at times make sure mine cant be seen but hey I work in an Allstate office and when we have the "bigwigs" in but they all know me professionaly so they wouldnt care. And my boss could care less and my clients love me for me not my tattoos. They are more concerned with getting the updates on my kiddos
So I have to ask, what is on the right side of ur neck?????


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
R u implying something???????
Arent u the same one who got pi$$y with me b/c I didnt have my paypal acct yet and u didnt want wait for a pymt???
HUH? I have no idea what you are talking about, the couple of things I've had up for sale on the board have been for local pickup only and I've always made that very clear that I don't ship anything. I strongly urge you to look though your sent/received mail before make accusations and calling me "pissy".
Do you think I was implying something? Does it matter, you made it clear that you don't care what people think didn't you? So why are you making an issue about it, since you don't care?


i was a nurse for 11 yrs and all my patients loved my tattoos. Everybody wanted to know were the big tattooed nurse was at if i was off that particular day.... LOL
and I bet some of those bigwigs have tats. my wife is the bigwig at her office and she has 10. Granted you can't see them unless she wants you to but everybody knows she has them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I think we all should be proud of our art!
I do at times make sure mine cant be seen but hey I work in an Allstate office and when we have the "bigwigs" in but they all know me professionaly so they wouldnt care. And my boss could care less and my clients love me for me not my tattoos. They are more concerned with getting the updates on my kiddos
So I have to ask, what is on the right side of ur neck?????

I'm with you there.... most of the places I work have had a lot of people who have their own tats and anytime there's an exec or customer around we usually have them in easily covered locations. I'm proud of mine and my favorite one is on my forearm so it's pretty noticeable if I'm wearing a t-shirt... but I can always wear a long-sleeve shirt if I need it tucked away for a short time. Of course all the people I've dealt with on the phone have really loved working with me so if they came to meet in person and saw a tat they certainly wouldn't care. :)
In fact, when I was doing consulting a while back, I designed the website for a local tattoo parlor.
Im sure there are TONS of people within Allstate that have work or any other co for that matter.
I only show mine if I choose too, like I have said. I dunno why people have their panties in a bunch over is all b/c I posted my art


Originally Posted by reefmate75
aman, im agisnt tats on women and men also my wife has 3 small tats but like another guy said they just keep wanting more and more and more, and now she wants to get her cl it pirced and its driveing me nuttzz as when we got together she didnt have any pircings other then her ears, and no tats and never wanted a tatoo and now shes always begging me to let her get yet another and i have to keep telling her one day i will probly stop seeing her as a woman and look at her more like a man and stop seeing her as "HOT" to me and want nothing to do with her i dont know how i can get it threw her head i do ot like tatoos on women and no I myself do not have any tatoos
and that kat van D is NASTY i see her and i think hidious why cover up your skin BEFOR it is all wrinkled i figured it woul dbe a old womans plesure to get tats to hide the old skin hahahaha
Maybe she's trying to tell you something....
I've noticed several things since I've become heavily tattooed. One is that I can hardly go anywhere with out someone stoping me and commenting on how much the like my tattoo's, everyone from kids to old ladies. Sometimes I get looks when I walk into certain business, like they think I'm trouble, but that rarely happens. I have a very profesional carrer, and sometimes I wear long sleeves for business, so none of my tats can been seen. Then I run into one of these business associates or clients out in public and they see all my tattoo's, I've had several of them tell me they would have never guessed I'm cover like that and that I've changed their opinion of tattoo's. And so far it hasn't held me back in my career at all.


Active Member
Man has this thing heated up...

Who cares what people do with their bodies? Our bodies are our temples, right? They are our canvasses. So if we choose to get some art then so be it.
However, let's not get all offended when someone does not find it attractive. That's their perogative.
I do hope, though, that people keep sharing their artwork. I can appreciate a good tat as much as the next guy.
BTW, I hate that the "tramp stamp" has such a negative, poser connotation because I think they look good. JMO.
I just think it is unjust that they judge a person based on if they are tattooed or not..........that is TRASH
And if I had never posted my pics THIS thread would NOT have started but whatever these are VERY narrow minded individuals......SAD way to live life


Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I just think it is unjust that they judge a person based on if they are tattooed or not..........that is TRASH
I kinda started skimming halfway down the first page cause it's sorta going off topic. I do agree with the above statement though. To like them or not is a preference, but to "judge" is not appropriate.
So, here's my question... I noticed that a lot of people said that women with tattoos are hot... If you meet a woman, and she's very average, and you know her for say a month, and she stays average, THEN you notice a tattoo, she then becomes immediately hot?? Why?
I am curious if she becomes hot because in your mind you translate tats as "easy signs".


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I just think it is unjust that they judge a person based on if they are tattooed or not..........that is TRASH
And if I had never posted my pics THIS thread would NOT have started but whatever these are VERY narrow minded individuals......SAD way to live life
Keep on posting! Tastefully done tattoos on a woman can indeed be VERY HOT and based on your pic in your avatar, you are indeed a hottie.
I personally think Kat Von Dee is hot as hell


Originally Posted by Tizzo
I kinda started skimming halfway down the first page cause it's sorta going off topic. I do agree with the above statement though. To like them or not is a preference, but to "judge" is not appropriate.
So, here's my question... I noticed that a lot of people said that women with tattoos are hot... If you meet a woman, and she's very average, and you know her for say a month, and she stays average, THEN you notice a tattoo, she then becomes immediately hot?? Why?
I am curious if she becomes hot because in your mind you translate tats as "easy signs".
I don't know if it applies once you've know them for a while. Like I think my wife is just as hot now (with several tattoos) as she was when I met her (with only a few tattoos). But I think on a first impression basis (maybe only because I'm tattoed and like them) that if the exact same girl was presented, on with and one without tattoo's I'd probably find the one with more attractive (as long as they were done right).