NOT a big fan of TATTOOS ESPECIALLY on Women!


Active Member
I've met some pretty freaky people without tatoos

When my son got his first tat all I told him was think before you ink, don't get a tatoo for the sake of getting a tatoo(Stole that from a girl that worked at a tatoo parlor in town) He was 18 at the time so I did drive home the fact it would be a good idea to keep them where a shirt will cover them because there are plenty of situations where you can get passed by for a professional job because of visible tatoos.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
if one can not poke fun at ones self then who can we (Wow just reread all of the posts and I am the only one to get a moderator disproves. I feel flattered )
It's not directed at you, just thought it applied (humorously) to this thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
I so have to jump in and say I DONT GIVE A DAMN WHO LIKE THEM OR NOT
I DO!!!! U would NEVER know I had them if u met me on the street
Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has them
I am also an office manager in an Allstate Insurance office and have been for 5 years. No one cares IF they see my tats. ALL of them can be covered IF I choose
All of my pieces also have tons of meaning behind them and will NEVER regret them even when Im 80 (god willing)
I do however believe that one CAN go too far with their "art" (like Kat VonD)but I will NEVER judge
Oh and I too have if u must call it a "tramp stamp" that I ADORE!!! Its my butterfly and if ya cant tell I kinda have a thing for butterflies

Giddy up!!! speaking as a 45yr old man, and by the way i am in better shape than 90% of the 20 something crowd, who nowadays are all F-A-T!!! My tats look great now and will in another 20 yrs. if the color fades you can have them re-colored. As for you children who think 40 is old, like I said look around.... most of the 20 something crowd don't look real good!! I would rather see a tat on a women then a fat ass. Our tat's have special meaning to US and we don't get them to show YOU or do we worry about you'r opinion. So in closing I would like to say if you don't like my tat's f*&^ off


Originally Posted by smartorl
Easy signs? While I do find tattooed people to be a little more open minded with regard to things being socially acceptible, I do not think that a girl having a tat makes her "easy". That is the mentality that po's me.
I also find the assumption irritating. That being said, I wanna know why so many people say, "I find a girl with tattoos hot!"
There are so many other things they could say, but they don't. They automatically say that a girl with tats it hot. why?
What do they see when they look at tats??
I mean, you could say that a girl with purple hair "has a story", and "is open minded", and "Has her body art" but is SHE also hot??
I would assume most would not say so,
So why is the girl with tats hot and not the girl with purple hair??
What is it about the tats thats hot that doesn't apply to the purple hair??
(As Sep knows from previous posts, I am bad with words, so I am asking the same question in different ways trying to state it properly. I am not trying to make a point, I am trying to ask a question)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
I also find the assumption irritating. That being said, I wanna know why so many people say, "I find a girl with tattoos hot!"
There are so many other things they could say, but they don't. They automatically say that a girl with tats it hot. why?
What do they see when they look at tats??
I mean, you could say that a girl with purple hair "has a story", and "is open minded", and "Has her body art" but is SHE also hot??
I would assume most would not say so,
So why is the girl with tats hot and not the girl with purple hair??
What is it about the tats thats hot that doesn't apply to the purple hair??
(As Sep knows from previous posts, I am bad with words, so I am asking the same question in different ways trying to state it properly. I am not trying to make a point, I am trying to ask a question)
I have no problems with girls who might have purple hair.


Originally Posted by smartorl
I think people get worked up because you tend to get tired of non-tattooed people feeling the need to show us the light.
I am a professional tattooed woman, about 45% covered at this point. I never would have thought this is where I'd be but I have no regrets. Each piece is my own design and each piece has meaning for me. I don't expect anyone to get it or like it. I am inked for me and I don't really care what anyone thinks. Live and let live.
For those that feel the need to approach me to let me know that they don't approve of my choice, um, do you also approach people with peirced ears? That is a choice as well, just a more acceptible one.
For many years most of my ink could be covered with clothes. When I got sleeved and then started on my chest, I saw people's opinions and reactions change towards me. I feel sorry for them for being so closed minded. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, if you don't like it, don't get one. You explaining to me what I will look like at 60 is not sending me reeling into massive laser removal first thing tomorrow. My work is deeper than that.
I have alot of time and money invested on my work. I put alot into my maintaining a healthy lifestyle period. I think many people that are open and want to discuss their opinions seem to think trashy, fat, slobbish people have tattoos. Not true.
Live and let live.......

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by nwdyr
Giddy up!!! speaking as a 45yr old man, and by the way i am in better shape than 90% of the 20 something crowd, who nowadays are all F-A-T!!! My tats look great now and will in another 20 yrs. if the color fades you can have them re-colored. As for you children who think 40 is old, like I said look around.... most of the 20 something crowd don't look real good!! I would rather see a tat on a women then a fat ass. Our tat's have special meaning to US and we don't get them to show YOU or do we worry about you'r opinion. So in closing I would like to say if you don't like my tat's f*&^ off
What are you trying to say, you’re just a kid I will be 60 in August


Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Get over it

Holy cow was that for me??
How clear can I make this.
I am asking a question. Not making a statement.
Get over what??
I am not judging. What did I say to indicate that I was??

And monk, are they hot?


Originally Posted by NyButterfly03
Get over it
Oh and because I didn't include this earlier. I happen to like tattoos. And I'm a female, so I can ask THE GUYS why they think they are hot.

I ride a motorcycle, they find that to be hot to, and I'll ask this on a bike thread too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tizzo
Holy cow was that for me??
How clear can I make this.
I am asking a question. Not making a statement.
Get over what??
I am not judging. What did I say to indicate that I was??

And monk, are they hot?
If they are hot, having purple hair doesn't make or break that hotness....heh. I don't base whether someone is attractive solely on whether they have a tattoo and I don't think I ever said I do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
IMO only the LUNITC FRINGE get tattoos

Hey Joe, I didn't see that one in the first pic on a previous thread. What are the 5 red things, can't tell from the pic. Bullets? Chilli peppers? Rose buds?


Active Member
I don't understand what all the bad vibes are in this thread. I have a tattoo, big deal. I got it for me. I don't give a darn if people like it or not. I'm not sure why people with tats are getting worked up if people don't like them. They can say what they want, I really don't care about it. Why do you? Just leave it. Don't take things personally. Don't open threads about tats if you don't like them, and don't get offended if you have them and people don't like them. Gosh darn folks this is silly.
Many people with piercings and large visible tats are a bit counter culture and then get ticked off if some in the rest of society don't like 'em. Buck up, IMO. Be confident in what you do...and the consequences. If you have full sleeves don't expect you are entitled to work someplace where they are more conservative and don't like it. I knew a guy at a previous job (as an aquarist) who had to cover his arms. Choice he made...both on the tats and where to work. Deal with it either way, IMO.
But these are supposed to be discussions...two way streets, etc.


Originally Posted by m0nk
If they are hot, having purple hair doesn't make or break that hotness....heh. I don't base whether someone is attractive solely on whether they have a tattoo and I don't think I ever said I do.
No monk, you don't qualify. YOu have been very consistent from your first post. And it wasn't yours that made me ask. If I remember right, you said something like, if it's a nice tattoo in a nice place IT can be hot. You never implied the girl herself is.
But even though you are answering my questions just the same.
BUt I am simply wondering why comments like "Girls with tats are hot" are made without seeing face, knowing personality... nothing. I mean, what is it about tats that's so intriguing.
And I wanna get a charm bracelet around my ankle, with charms of where I've been etc... But I haven't met an artist near enough with the ability. I wanna get one, so I'm not against them. My questions have nothing to do with my own opinion of them...just to clarify


Staff member
Like everything else in the Aquarium, there is a one side of things and then there is the other side of things, and some "middle" folks. If you post your stuff on web for many to see, you can count on many opinions; some good, some not so good.
One's ego hopefully is not dependent on the various opinions expressed on this forum. At least, I hope not.


One's ego hopefully is not dependent on the various opinions expressed on this forum. At least, I hope not.
I don't know Beth...

Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Hmmm speak for yourself, everyone I meet loves me.....
