this is from me and a friend you are stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now my friend
i have been in this hobbie for awile and one thing you have to learn is to learn from corections and try to get something out of it. like CHANGING it do to to a mistake. not siting there being an arrogant fool. how bout you take advise and fix it. i dont care how long you have made these animals uncomfortable..thatv doesnt matter. how bout you SHUT UP AND LISTEN
now my friend
i have been in this hobbie for awile and one thing you have to learn is to learn from corections and try to get something out of it. like CHANGING it do to to a mistake. not siting there being an arrogant fool. how bout you take advise and fix it. i dont care how long you have made these animals uncomfortable..thatv doesnt matter. how bout you SHUT UP AND LISTEN