Not new to the hobby but wanted to introduce ourselves...



My husband and I are on our fourth tank over about ten years but this one is our smallest... We have a 55 gallon with live rock, a slew of corals both hard and soft, a copperbanded butterfly, a coral beauty angel, a blue devil, a domino damsel, and a fire dartfish... We also have a few shrimp several snails, urchins, and an anenome.
Our past tanks included a 250 gallon reef corner tank, a 100 gallon brackish tank, a 180 fish only saltwater tank, and a 125 gallon freshwater tank.
We are planning to add several other fish to this tank including a Naso Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, Orchid Dottyback, Royal Grammas (a few of these), Lyretail Anthias, Clarkii Clown, Flasher Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Atlantic Blue Tang. Eventually the Blue Devil and the Domino will come out.
outside of this hobby we also are in the process of opening a nightclub... Other pets in our household include two american pit bull terriers a shih tzu a cat a rabbit and three kids lol...
hope to have some good convo and add to our knowledge of the saltwater world!!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389721
My husband and I are on our fourth tank over about ten years but this one is our smallest... We have a 55 gallon with live rock, a slew of corals both hard and soft, a copperbanded butterfly, a coral beauty angel, a blue devil, a domino damsel, and a fire dartfish... We also have a few shrimp several snails, urchins, and an anenome.
Our past tanks included a 250 gallon reef corner tank, a 100 gallon brackish tank, a 180 fish only saltwater tank, and a 125 gallon freshwater tank.
We are planning to add several other fish to this tank including a Naso Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, Orchid Dottyback, Royal Grammas (a few of these), Lyretail Anthias, Clarkii Clown, Flasher Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Atlantic Blue Tang. Eventually the Blue Devil and the Domino will come out.
outside of this hobby we also are in the process of opening a nightclub... Other pets in our household include two american pit bull terriers a shih tzu a cat a rabbit and three kids lol...
hope to have some good convo and add to our knowledge of the saltwater world!!
Gald to have you! We do like pictures!



New Member
Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389721
My husband and I are on our fourth tank over about ten years but this one is our smallest... We have a 55 gallon with live rock, a slew of corals both hard and soft, a copperbanded butterfly, a coral beauty angel, a blue devil, a domino damsel, and a fire dartfish... We also have a few shrimp several snails, urchins, and an anenome.
Our past tanks included a 250 gallon reef corner tank, a 100 gallon brackish tank, a 180 fish only saltwater tank, and a 125 gallon freshwater tank.
We are planning to add several other fish to this tank including a Naso Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, Orchid Dottyback, Royal Grammas (a few of these), Lyretail Anthias, Clarkii Clown, Flasher Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Atlantic Blue Tang. Eventually the Blue Devil and the Domino will come out.
outside of this hobby we also are in the process of opening a nightclub... Other pets in our household include two american pit bull terriers a shih tzu a cat a rabbit and three kids lol...
hope to have some good convo and add to our knowledge of the saltwater world!!


Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389721
My husband and I are on our fourth tank over about ten years but this one is our smallest... We have a 55 gallon with live rock, a slew of corals both hard and soft, a copperbanded butterfly, a coral beauty angel, a blue devil, a domino damsel, and a fire dartfish... We also have a few shrimp several snails, urchins, and an anenome.
Our past tanks included a 250 gallon reef corner tank, a 100 gallon brackish tank, a 180 fish only saltwater tank, and a 125 gallon freshwater tank.
We are planning to add several other fish to this tank including a Naso Tang, Blue Jaw Trigger, Orchid Dottyback, Royal Grammas (a few of these), Lyretail Anthias, Clarkii Clown, Flasher Wrasse, Midas Blenny, Atlantic Blue Tang. Eventually the Blue Devil and the Domino will come out.
outside of this hobby we also are in the process of opening a nightclub... Other pets in our household include two american pit bull terriers a shih tzu a cat a rabbit and three kids lol...
hope to have some good convo and add to our knowledge of the saltwater world!!
A 250G corner, that must have been a PITA to clean!
As for what you want to add to this 55, no tang belongs in a 55G tank. They are open water swimmers that graze on live rock all day, a 55G tank just can't provide anything that they need long term. If you're insistent on adding a tang to this tank, look into something smaller than a Naso. Naso's get HUGE quickly.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389730
A 250G corner, that must have been a PITA to clean!
As for what you want to add to this 55, no tang belongs in a 55G tank. They are open water swimmers that graze on live rock all day, a 55G tank just can't provide anything that they need long term. If you're insistent on adding a tang to this tank, look into something smaller than a Naso. Naso's get HUGE quickly.
I didn't realize they were talking about a 55g...I thought they still had the 100g, the 250g, the 180g and the 125g....
I had to re-read the post..LOL..You are still welcome to the site, I just wasn't paying attention to details in your post.


Thanks for the welcome... I have been trying to get some good pics just cant seem to get the right angle on the tank... I am working on it though... As far as the Tangs... I will do as I have done in the past start with small tangs and when they are getting to the point of being too big for my current I will start a bigger tank... lol... I do know how fast they grow and how much room they need but the way I look at it is it gives me a reason to move to a bigger second tank... SHHHHHHH my husband doesnt know my plan lol...
Anywho yes the corner tank was a PITA to clean especially since it was floor to ceiling.. I will see if I can dig up some of my ole pics of it...


Active Member
Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389741
Thanks for the welcome... I have been trying to get some good pics just cant seem to get the right angle on the tank... I am working on it though... As far as the Tangs... I will do as I have done in the past start with small tangs and when they are getting to the point of being too big for my current I will start a bigger tank... lol... I do know how fast they grow and how much room they need but the way I look at it is it gives me a reason to move to a bigger second tank... SHHHHHHH my husband doesnt know my plan lol...
Anywho yes the corner tank was a PITA to clean especially since it was floor to ceiling.. I will see if I can dig up some of my ole pics of it...
Hi, and welcome.
Darn sneaky wives...... But at least its not something girly like my wife and her purse, shoe, finger/nail art fetish. I endorse this sneakiness! lol Because its usually me trying it with my wife!


Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389741
Thanks for the welcome... I have been trying to get some good pics just cant seem to get the right angle on the tank... I am working on it though... As far as the Tangs... I will do as I have done in the past start with small tangs and when they are getting to the point of being too big for my current I will start a bigger tank... lol... I do know how fast they grow and how much room they need but the way I look at it is it gives me a reason to move to a bigger second tank... SHHHHHHH my husband doesnt know my plan lol...
Anywho yes the corner tank was a PITA to clean especially since it was floor to ceiling.. I will see if I can dig up some of my ole pics of it...
hahahahahaha, I LOVE IT! My husband and I are both in the hobby. At the one LFS that we frequent the most (like 4-5x a week!), the owner flat out told us that there needs to be more wives like me out there and that we keep his electric on.


lol my hubby loves it too so I think he knows my secrets but he just doesn't say nothing cause he would be ok with another tank too... We are at the lfs at least three times a week... Glad you guys are so cool cause other sites I snuck onto to take a sneak peek were not friendly... I've been spying on you guys for months lol... I just hate going on a forum and just because you are new to the forum they automatically assume you don't know anything... We are seasoned I just enjoy always gaining knowledge about things we like...


Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3389843
lol my hubby loves it too so I think he knows my secrets but he just doesn't say nothing cause he would be ok with another tank too... We are at the lfs at least three times a week... Glad you guys are so cool cause other sites I snuck onto to take a sneak peek were not friendly... I've been spying on you guys for months lol... I just hate going on a forum and just because you are new to the forum they automatically assume you don't know anything... We are seasoned I just enjoy always gaining knowledge about things we like...
I completely know what you mean!
My local board treats me like garbage a lot because I'm a moderator on this and one other forum. So ridiculous.

bang guy

Hi! Welcome aboard. Don't forget to share the tidbits you've picked up along the way as well.
Glad to have you.


Active Member
That's hylarious, you talk nicely about swf and youdraw out all the folks! Lol I. Have noticed people get adimate on this site, not really arrogant. Glad 2 have ya out of the lerkin shadows and in to the water! And where are those pix u promised..... we are a pix fourm...... :hi:


ok guys really stupid question do I need to upload to photobucket first?