Not new to the hobby but wanted to introduce ourselves...



If you have to have a tang in the 55g I'd go with a yellow. I've had mine for over a year and he's still pretty small in my 120 and I've never once seen him travel the entire length of the tank from one end to the other like an open swimmer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sargennikita http:///forum/thread/386131/not-new-to-the-hobby-but-wanted-to-introduce-ourselves#post_3390039
ok guys really stupid question do I need to upload to photobucket first?
No stupid questions, the only stupid one is an unasked one! No you don't have to use photobucket. In the tool bar on the top of the reply box, there is a picture with a house figure in it. Click on that, then choose the file from on your computer and add it that way
. Then we get what we want..... pix!!!

Edit: I was a lot slower then BTL on the pix.....


ok I will get some up today... As far as the tangs in a 55 gallon convo... I'm not gonna argue I know that most can't go in my tank for long but I explained my reasoning behind it...



The first one is the current tank... I am still searching for old tank pics... Then the Fire Dartfish and the Copperband are the two that actually let me get a pic (They love the attention!)... And of course the dogs (two of the three) have to have their fifteen minutes of fame too... lol Enjoy!!!


This site works better with your pix saved to your 'puter...of course, all of our stuff is on photobucket...


Thanks I love it too... I have the luck of living next door to a guy that grows coral and sells them so he just randomly gives me bags full of stuff to put in the tank... I just loaded them from my pc and they worked fine... The pitbull site that I am on you have to use photobucket so either way doesn't bother me... The sad news is my blue devil damsel died today... I kind of saw it coming since he refused to eat for the past couple weeks... I shouldve quarantined him but I didn't... Eventually he was coming out anyway to go next door to the coral tanks but he didn't make it that far... The weird part was he had sores on him that I didn't see until today and they definitely were not there yesterday when I was taking picks... But they weren't bites from other fish so I hope he didn't have something that could infect my whole tank... Everything else is eating like pigs so we shall see...
this tank has been through hell and back so I am glad it is finally established... When it first established I had a pump explode and release oil into the water and electricity... It killed my first two fish and all my hard corals... My shrimp almost died and he came back... Then we had a crazy ammonia spike and realized that there wasn't enough rock in the tank to filter properly so I added rock for a total of 60 pounds of rock... Now we have finally got it back and I started adding fish again...


Active Member
I am a little late to the party, but WELCOME!!!!!
Sorry to hear about the Damsel, it is not fun when you lose any fish, even a Damsel. Glad to see the pics of the tank. I don't know if you caught on but we really like pics. LOL.
I wish my wife was as into this hobby as I am. She is coming around but it is a slow process. What kind of livestock did you keep in the brackish set up you had?
Again, WELCOME!!!!