Nova Extreme T5.These reflectors might work.



Originally Posted by 05xrunner
My 75g
nova extreme 48" 4x54 on the front
Orbit 48" 4x65 PC light on rear..
total 476watts on the tank.
its alittle dirty in the pic..I just got done redoing my rocks when I snapped the pic

Ok then
I need to know about the way they sit on the tank. I have glass tops and a tank top which covers the lights I have now. All the Nova T5 lights I have seen have this stand that comes with them. I don't like the lights that sit up and you see the glow of the light in the front. Plus if I had those then I could never put my tops back on. The space between my glass and underside of the tank lid is 3 inches. I just want to know if those legs you spoke about would be ok with that reflector.


Active Member
This is how mine are..I have a piece of cardboard to reflect the light back in..its white on the side facing in


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
This is how mine are..I have a piece of cardboard to reflect the light back in..its white on the side facing in
But, I thought you got regular reflectors for them so they will sit lower. Do they have to have those hoods with the fan in them for the heat? I thought you mentioned about the bulbs using legs.


You could squeeze a bit more out of those lights if you were willing to remove the glass top. Most people when going with PC light forego the glass tops to prevent the glass misdirecting the light. Just an option. :)


Active Member
the glass is removed from under the T5's
I dont have any extra reflectors. i dont know what other legs you are talking about.
Yea teh Nova extreme has a fan built in


Originally Posted by 05xrunner
the glass is removed from under the T5's
I dont have any extra reflectors. i dont know what other legs you are talking about.
Yea teh Nova extreme has a fan built in
I re-read all this and I think it was the legs of the hood you were talking about. I currently have legs on my bulbs. They wrap half way around so they sit on top of the glass. But, I still don't understand something, if you have those lights on then how do you work in the tank? I can rest my bulbs on top of each other and remove the 2 front glass panes. Or put all the bulbs up on 2 x 4's that rest on the tank top and remove all the glass. I have been reading more and I guess those bulbs require a fan in the hood. I just can't see how I can do it yet.


Active Member
i just turn the t5 light on its side and then do my stuff in the tank...I am probably going to sell both fixtures and just get a MH combo hood
Originally Posted by chilwil84
same lights on a 90 mixed reef
Very nice Chilwil84...You have SPS in there.
How they doing?I want to keep some SPS later on.


Active Member
they are growing and coloring up nicely (not mh growth but good growth)i recently didnt light acclimate a couple frags and bleached them nice and white but that was my first prob withg sps in a year with them


We are in the process of starting our 90g but so far we love our Nova T-5's. Here's some pics of our tank.



ReeffreakGeek - Nice Tank - wow, you have a lot of light in there....
How much does everybody's electric bill go up with a MH? Thinking of doing one in the middle of my tank..
Originally Posted by stieger
ReeffreakGeek - Nice Tank - wow, you have a lot of light in there....
How much does everybody's electric bill go up with a MH? Thinking of doing one in the middle of my tank..
Thanks Stieger,but I don't understand your question.We aren't running metal halides.As far as my T-5s compared to PC's I haven't seen any difference in electric bill.
Are you looking to add MH pendant or something?


my bad, I was commenting on your tank, then making a general question to the "audience" in general....sorry! (I'm looking at a pendant...)


Active Member
stieger if you are going to try some sps and clams look into different bulbs than the ones that come with the fixture i upgraded half of mine a couple weeks ago (the other half is still on backorder) and i have gotten better polop extension with the new bulbs if you search the other big forum search t5 par readings and you will get a break down of the bulbs under certain conditions that will give you an idea about what bulbs are better but remember it might be better to order them in half order so you see what color you like because there are many bulbs of many different kelven readings
What bulb combination are you doing
This is what I going with:
1 460nm actinic
1 420nm actinic
2 Super actinic R(I think its more purple,pinkish like VHO)
2 10,000K daylight
2 60/40 daylight/actinic
Your thoughts?

cadillac swang

seems like alot of people where at one point satisfied with the nova extremes, so why the change in attitudes now. i see clams were even kept, and anenomes, old thread but positive comments