New Member
Hello all,
I just signed up for the forums, because I would like to learn more about salt water tanks, fish, their care, and their problems. - ie. dieseases.
Let me first start off by telling ya'll how I orginally got into salt water set up... lol I orginally got a 75 gallon tank and some clown fish. The set-up had nothing but a whisper filter, heater, some live rock, a ph tester, and a crushed coral bottom. This was all I was told I needed... to effective run a saltwater setup, by the employee I bought the tank from. I remeber I was also told to do water changes every couple weeks which I did and to keep an eye on the ph which I did also.
After a couple months I figured I could move on to something a bit more difficult. I bought a panther grouper, which I loved I feed him goldfish a couple times a week. He lived for several months, so I decided I should try something more. Soon after that I bought 2 dwarf lionfish. By this time I only had the panther, 2 lionfish, and some snails - I sold everything else back to the store.
It was soon after this that everthing went crazy. The tank developed some kind of parasite. It slowly killed the two lionfish, a week later killed the panther, and much later on killed the snails I had. All I can remeber was looking at the fish and seeing that I could visually see what looked like tiny worms attacked to them.
After everything was dead... I figured the 2 new lions must have brought the diesease into the tank from the place I bought them.
Before I let ya post replies I would like to put several questions, and several feelings out there.
- I now realize there were probally 2 many fish in the tank
- I now realize that a diet of just goldfish was probally horrible, for the fish
- I now realize that I most likely had a improper setup for the situation - (I dont know what these are and if I even needed them - skimmer, and just better filtration in general)
- Also in reaction to infestation of the tank someone suggested a copper treatment - Remebering back I believe I used to much and - probally didn't end up helping much.
Finally to the questions -
Is there a guide for novices setting up tanks? Like proper equipment and such?
Can anyone id this infection? (sorry no pictures this was yrs ago now)
I now realize something such as a hospital tank might of helped here; however, at the stage that I figured out what was going on... I thought the tank was screwed anyway is this true?
Finally I've also heard of freshwater baths before introducing a fish into your main tank, to insure the death of parasites, is this a good solution?
I just signed up for the forums, because I would like to learn more about salt water tanks, fish, their care, and their problems. - ie. dieseases.
Let me first start off by telling ya'll how I orginally got into salt water set up... lol I orginally got a 75 gallon tank and some clown fish. The set-up had nothing but a whisper filter, heater, some live rock, a ph tester, and a crushed coral bottom. This was all I was told I needed... to effective run a saltwater setup, by the employee I bought the tank from. I remeber I was also told to do water changes every couple weeks which I did and to keep an eye on the ph which I did also.
After a couple months I figured I could move on to something a bit more difficult. I bought a panther grouper, which I loved I feed him goldfish a couple times a week. He lived for several months, so I decided I should try something more. Soon after that I bought 2 dwarf lionfish. By this time I only had the panther, 2 lionfish, and some snails - I sold everything else back to the store.
It was soon after this that everthing went crazy. The tank developed some kind of parasite. It slowly killed the two lionfish, a week later killed the panther, and much later on killed the snails I had. All I can remeber was looking at the fish and seeing that I could visually see what looked like tiny worms attacked to them.
After everything was dead... I figured the 2 new lions must have brought the diesease into the tank from the place I bought them.
Before I let ya post replies I would like to put several questions, and several feelings out there.
- I now realize there were probally 2 many fish in the tank
- I now realize that a diet of just goldfish was probally horrible, for the fish
- I now realize that I most likely had a improper setup for the situation - (I dont know what these are and if I even needed them - skimmer, and just better filtration in general)
- Also in reaction to infestation of the tank someone suggested a copper treatment - Remebering back I believe I used to much and - probally didn't end up helping much.
Finally to the questions -
Is there a guide for novices setting up tanks? Like proper equipment and such?
Can anyone id this infection? (sorry no pictures this was yrs ago now)
I now realize something such as a hospital tank might of helped here; however, at the stage that I figured out what was going on... I thought the tank was screwed anyway is this true?
Finally I've also heard of freshwater baths before introducing a fish into your main tank, to insure the death of parasites, is this a good solution?