Novice - Ready for a second go!


New Member
Hello all,
I just signed up for the forums, because I would like to learn more about salt water tanks, fish, their care, and their problems. - ie. dieseases.
Let me first start off by telling ya'll how I orginally got into salt water set up... lol I orginally got a 75 gallon tank and some clown fish. The set-up had nothing but a whisper filter, heater, some live rock, a ph tester, and a crushed coral bottom. This was all I was told I needed... to effective run a saltwater setup, by the employee I bought the tank from. I remeber I was also told to do water changes every couple weeks which I did and to keep an eye on the ph which I did also.
After a couple months I figured I could move on to something a bit more difficult. I bought a panther grouper, which I loved I feed him goldfish a couple times a week. He lived for several months, so I decided I should try something more. Soon after that I bought 2 dwarf lionfish. By this time I only had the panther, 2 lionfish, and some snails - I sold everything else back to the store.
It was soon after this that everthing went crazy. The tank developed some kind of parasite. It slowly killed the two lionfish, a week later killed the panther, and much later on killed the snails I had. All I can remeber was looking at the fish and seeing that I could visually see what looked like tiny worms attacked to them.
After everything was dead... I figured the 2 new lions must have brought the diesease into the tank from the place I bought them.
Before I let ya post replies I would like to put several questions, and several feelings out there.
- I now realize there were probally 2 many fish in the tank
- I now realize that a diet of just goldfish was probally horrible, for the fish
- I now realize that I most likely had a improper setup for the situation - (I dont know what these are and if I even needed them - skimmer, and just better filtration in general)
- Also in reaction to infestation of the tank someone suggested a copper treatment - Remebering back I believe I used to much and - probally didn't end up helping much.
Finally to the questions -
Is there a guide for novices setting up tanks? Like proper equipment and such?
Can anyone id this infection? (sorry no pictures this was yrs ago now)
I now realize something such as a hospital tank might of helped here; however, at the stage that I figured out what was going on... I thought the tank was screwed anyway is this true?
Finally I've also heard of freshwater baths before introducing a fish into your main tank, to insure the death of parasites, is this a good solution?


Active Member
A good book to purchase is "The Concientious Marine Aquarist". You can also get a lot of infor by looking through these forums, especially the archive section. I recommend that rather then expecting everyone to post all they know again since everyone has posted multiple times on any given subject and it gets monotonous posting the same info over and over.
Although more specific issues people will be delighted to answer.


Active Member
There is also a disease and treatment forum you can checkout the top posts there by Beth. There is some really helpfull info there.
It sounds like you pretty well estimated what went wrong with your tank. There are other things to monitor like alkalinity, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and temp other then pH. Also is sounds like your local fish store didn't know what they were talking about since they sold you a Panther Grouper for a 75 gallon tank. They get really big and need a huge tank like maybe 300 gallons I'm not for sure on that. Anyway I would not listen to the fish store (or mostly any fish store) since they mostly just want your money. There are some that are ok, but it's better for you to know more then they do so you can determine if they are being truthful. You came to the right place by coming here since there are an awfull lot of knowlegable people here that can really offer a lot of help.
It sounds like your fish might have contacted ich which should be treated by hyposalinity in a quarantine tank. Look in the disease and treatment forum, Beth's posts in there will walk you through setting up a QT and how to perform the hyposalinity. I wouldn't add a treatment to the tank unless you converse with someone that can ask and answer all your questions.
Like I said in my first post get the book, it's really good and will help you immensely, it even has some really nice photography but is real comprehensive as to setup of an aquarium. It may be a bit outdated about things such as undergravel filters, just don't use one and don't use crushed coral on the bottom, use live sand since it helps critters and helps as a tank filter. The best thing to do now is read and then read some more.


Active Member
Oh, also WELCOME back Diablos to the world of marine aquariums and to this forum. Hopefully you will have a better experience in the hobby.


Originally Posted by Diablos
lol Been reading for 2hrs now... lol
Welcome!!!!!! Keep reading. Any and all questions that you may have, Pease feel free to post!